

The Pink Arrest
Congratulations, You are in New York! It was the dead of winter and the chilling winds were announcing their rule for the next three months. The streets were by far desolate as the people inhabiting there have resorted to household fires. It was the fall of dusk and darkness was prevailing in the whole atmosphere.

A policewoman was on her usual beat that day. She was marching impressively on both corners of the street. Her impressiveness was natural and not for show as the spectators were few. She held her whistle and blew it every now and then to register police presence in the area. She was taking much pride in the work she was doing.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on a man standing in the corner of a dilapidated store. He was wearing an expensive brown jacket. Due to the darkness of the dusk and the heavy fog all around, nothing much could be noticed about that man.

As the policewoman tried to approach the man standing in the corner, he took out a cigar from his pocket and struck the match. This lit up the whole atmosphere for an instant. The man had a rough appearance and a scar on his face. He started smoking his cigar and turned his hand to know what time is it. His watch gleamed with the sparkle of a diamond. Evidently, the man was well-off.

But what was he doing here at the heist of winter?

The policewoman finally drew close to the man and inquired, “Looking for someone?”

“Oh, Yes!”, replied the man turning on his back in hesitation. “I am waiting for my childhood friend. It was an appointment made twenty years ago!”.

“Twenty Years!”, exclaimed the female cop in amazement.

“Yes, Twenty Years”, repeated the man. “We promised to meet in Sudder Street of New York at 7 PM sharp to discuss changes we faced in our lives in the last twenty years. It's already 6:30 but she is nowhere to be seen.”

“She was your girlfriend?”, enquired the female cop with a teasing tone.

“Not quite really”, blushed the man as he tried to give a reply. “We were good friends in high school and she always excelled in academics. I was good at sports. After we passed high school, we dined together at Halley’s Cafe here at Sudder Street and discuss our plans for the future. She wanted to become a police officer but I had some exciting plans in the West. So we parted our ways and decided to meet in the same cafe after twenty years. But looks like the Cafe has been taken down now.”

“Yes, Halley’s Cafe was closed down last year”, informed the female cop.
“What was the name of your friend, ” asked the policewoman again.

“Lisa Wells”, replied the man.

“Will you call off at 7 PM sharp?” asked the lady again.

“No, obviously not. I have come here from a long way and won't go away without meeting her, ” said the man with conviction.

“That's good. Hope you meet your friend today. Bye”, said the female cop and she continued on her patrol.

The man from the West continued to wait beside the dilapidated cafe. One hour passed way, but his friend was nowhere to be seen. He was now starting to feel the chill of the winds and shirked a little. At an instant, he saw a lady approaching in his direction. She took his hand onto her and asked, “Jimmy Parker?”

“Yes. Are you Lisa?” asked the man.

“Yes! Sorry for the delay”.

Finally, the meeting happened. The duo started strolling down Sudder Street for a long time. They discussed how their lives went and many more. Lisa said she got a job in New York police and Jimmy boasted off his pursuits in the West.

“It's just a pure adventure here in the West. I feel myself like a treasure hunter. You should have come with me to get the taste of the treasure by yourself. A job in the police is just not worth it.”

Lisa replied nothing.

Strolling down the streets, they came to a brightly lit restaurant. “Let's dine here today”, Lisa proposed.

“Ok, as you say, ” Jimmy agreed.

When they came near to the cafe, Jimmy gave a second look to Lisa under the lights. He noticed something very strange. He took his hand off her and moved away from her.

“What happened? ” Lisa asked.

“You are not Lisa,” Jimmy replied. “Twenty years is a long time. But not so long to change a Roman nose to a pug.”

“But it is certainly long enough to change a student to a gangster. You are arrested Silky Bob for the last half an hour, ” declared the lady in civil dress.

“But before I take you to the police station, here is a note from the female cop on patrol. Go through it to know the details.”

Bob’s hands trembled as he opened the note. Let's see what this note contained:

“Jimmy, I was at the appointed place at the right time. When you struck the match to lit the cigar, I saw the very criminal from the West, Silky Bob who is on our most-wanted list. Somehow, I couldn't do it by myself. So, I took the help of my other colleague to do the job.

My Duty always comes first.

Lisa Wells”

So the childhood “love” of Jimmy finally led to his unprecedented arrest. Truly, the arrest was pink!
© Mr. Paradox