

Colourland X Chapter 2
Chapter 2
The Mysterious Man

A man appeared in Colourland and then he started to attack another man.

" Where is Crayon " said the man.
" I don't know " said the other man.
" I know that people find him to be the hero, don't fuck around " said the man.
" I am not " said the other man.

The man then directly attacked him with blasts of water energy.

The man then went towards to the jail where Bear members were.

He then saw guards and he directly blasted them with the Ultimate Shark Blast, they were severely damaged.

" You are going to all perish " said the man.
" Hahahaha "

The man then went towards Easeion.

" It is time to wake up "
" Who is this ? " asked Easeion.
" My name is Colourik " said Colourik.
" Colourik ? " asked Easeion.
" What are you planning here ? "
" I will get you out of here " said Colourik.
" There is something involving Crayon that must happen "
" What is that ? " asked Easeion.
" Involving him as a hero " said Colourik.
" My power is very strong "
" I am here to tell you something about Colourland "
" What is that ? " asked Easeion.
" Colour King will take resources from Coastal Island " said Colourik.
" He is planning to use Crayon "
" Use him ? " asked Easeion.
" Yes, he plans to use Crayon for his goal " said Colourik.
" Now, as you know there is not a lot of time "
" The other guards will find out very soon "
" I suggest that you make your decision in the next minute "
" Leave with me, or stay here with the others "
" I will use my power " said Easeion.
" We can free some people but we likely do not have time for everyone, they will have to stay back " said Colourik.
" I understand " said Easeion.

Colourik got out with Easeion and Xax, he then went to a few other jail cells and he broke out Bill, Tara, Alice, Jessica and Flora.

He kept breaking out more people and then Willemease and Maxclever got out. They then were not able to free the others.

They then headed outside the building and they got outside. They were then all running and they then approached a car.

" We are going to have to find somewhere to be " said Colourik.
" Yeah, that is true " said Maxclever.
" The other members are really far away and we would not be able to save them " said Colourik.
" Well, it is nice to be out of that jail " said Easeion.

Colourik charged a tiny bit of energy and he broke open part of a giant car.

He broke another one.

" I will go with Easeion, Bill, Alice and Tara " said Colourik.
" The others follow me "
" Uh, yes " said Maxclever.
" Where are we going ? " asked Willemease.
" The Bear hideout " said Colourik.
" So, you know about the organization as well " said Maxclever.
" Crayon is someone that must be taken down " said Colourik.
" This is about him "
" I know others who want him finished off "
" If he is gone, many crimes will continue "
" So, you plan on committing some ? " asked Easeion.
" There are many more of us " said Colourik.
" All of you will be part of something "

Colourik's vehicle then started heading towards to the hideout.

The other vehicle followed and they arrived there.

" So, this is the hideout of the Bear I hear so much about " said Colourik.
" We need Crayon out of the way "
" He must brought down brutally " said Easeion.
" I will fucking hurt anyone who protects him or dares to do that "
" Good, we need that " said Bill.
" The Bear will be great allies to me here " said Colourik.
" People will have no hero in Colourland anymore "
" The despair of Colourland will help for the crimes "
" Hahahaha "
" It will be glorious "
" Yes, others will join us will they ? " asked Willemease.
" We will be training again " said Alice.
" I am glad to be around Easeion again "
" Yes, being around me is great " said Easeion.
" Bear members want this "
" Our power will just rise " said Tara.
" Yes, but we must keep up our training " said Alice.
" The others will have to be in jail for the time being " said Colourik.
" They will be on the lookout for us for sure "
" I don't think the hideout will be safe for long " said Tara.
" We will have to fight " said Easeion.
" I'm ready to blast people to bits "
" Hahahaha "
" Good to see " said Bill.
" Well, we should all head inside " said Colourik.

They all went inside the hideout.

" It seems they took all the stolen stuff here " said Colourik.
" Yeah, it seems so " said Easeion.
" We will have to find somewhere to eat " said Tara.
" Yeah, we will have to head somewhere else but not now " said Colourik.
" Yeah, the beds are still here " said Bill.
" Yeah, I don't think they went inside them " said Flora.
" That is good " said Jessica.
" Well, we will need to move somewhere that isn't the main area of Colourland " said Alice.
" Another criminal is here " said Colourik.

They then saw Malicia.

" Malicia, this is the Bear " said Colourik.
" Good, we will all be on the same side here " said Malicia.
" There are so many people that want Crayon out of the way "
" Yes, we do not need heroes in Colourland getting involved " said Easeion.
" I wanted him sad, but it could not happen "
" Colour King has officials in Colourland "
" We will deal with them " said Malicia.
" My ice abilities are too strong for any officials "
" Me and Malicia will eliminate Crayon forever " said Colourik.
" We will not allow him to stop our crimes " said Malicia.
" We will be hurting people who get in the way "
" All of us together will be so strong " said Tara.

Everyone then went to bed.