

The turning point
Badde has learnt his lessons and realised why he should never play with the Lord almighty. For starters, Badde vividly recall the days when he was engulfed in the world with body desires of drinking and fornication among others; in fact he was nicknamed, "the taster" because he would use his physical tasting bud to taste anything that passed in front of him, and around him. He had reached the climax of these not so good behaviours as the drinking squad that he had become part of went upto the extent of not only drinking, but also desiring to sleep with the different waitresses in every joints they visited. This was actually in the early October, 2013.He decided to withdraw from this suicide squad as he later called them, and he remember saying a prayer that, "Father almighty, I am tired of this life, please give me a woman who knows You, and will help me know you. A woman whom I would respect."-Badde wanted God to give him a woman he would respect because he had been disrespecting every woman that he dated. He prayed with a sincere broken heart. To his surprise, less than 2 months, by December 2013 when he had gone for a friend's send-off, he saw a tall, slender and brown skin beauty whom he named Sunshine. God had answered his prayers as he would later be told by Sunshine cousin that Sunshine is God fearing and needed a man who is real and serious. Badde realised that things presented by God is alway easily acquired as he didn't sweat to win her over. Badde also got to know that Sunshine was a born of October 27th, 1990 and she was nicknamed "half" at birth because her birth weight was only half kilogram.
Sunshine was indeed God sent, as Badde had earlier on requested. The first assignment God gave Sunshine was to fish out Badde from fraudulent lifestyle. Badde was a manager in a coffee factory and he directly had over 5000 workers under him. Of the 5000 workers only 4500 workers were genuine workers, the remaining 500 workers were what society called "Ghostworkers". He would siphon company's money through the payment of salaries of the 500 pseudo-workers. To the carnal and average mind, this was normal. Badde recalls when he brought home over £55000 from the same and Sunshine asked him where he had gotten the money from since he had told her how much his net salary was including his daily and monthly allowance. This query by Sunshine went on and on, until Badde was tired of the whole fraudulent system of Ghost workers, he had established in the company. The next task that God gave Sunshine was to guide Badde to receive salvation through Jesus Christ, the thing he had asked God to do before he met Sunshine. Sunshine could pray, intercede and fast for Badde and he was not yet ready to receive Jesus as his personal Lord and saviour; although he had requested for this in his prayer before meeting Sunshine...(To be continued).
© Geoffrey K