

Stop Selling Yourself Short( Know Your Worth)

You can not control the way other people think or feel about you, but you can always control how they treat, talk, and act towards you. How you behave determines how people do the above-mentioned to you.

When you discover your worth and you know what you are worth, you will never waste time with people who don't have an inkling of your worth, they will not understand you and it will always lead to misunderstanding between you and them.

Create a circle or network of people who share the same ideology with you, and that have the same kind of energy as you, it will help spark the vibes that will lead to positivity, productivity, and progress.

It is like a lion discussing a way forward of the jungle with ants, what do you think will be the outcome of a meeting like that? Arguments, because they don't share the same concept. when a sheep sees a wolf, the first instinct that will come to its mind is; "RUN" while if a wolf sees a sheep, it will first think; "LUNCH". Two different entities set by nature with different programs

An android phone can never do the function of an iPhone yet they are designed with similar traits, and they are both called smartphones, and also note that their worth is very different.

Learn to recognize and look for people who know your worth, that is the only way you can expand, if not you will just be a fish in a bucket with no idea it can also swim in the ocean, try to explore and identify the birds that have the same color of feathers as yours.

There is strength in unity when your goals and dreams are alike or unified. Once you identify your kind of birds, join heads together, and you will fly and soar like eagles above every negativity that stands in your way to achieving your aims and objectives.

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