

Love Infinite (26)
Episode 26 :- Not Meant To Be Together

Previously Shanu gets Indra arrested. Abhi gets to know about him and feels sorry for her and promises himself that he will keep her safe and happy. Her father finds out that Abhimanyu is only Abhi.

Shanu :- Leave me Abhi....
Abhi :- It's ok....Shanu.... everything is fine now it's ok
Shanu :- Leave me.
Abhi :- It's ok.
She hugged him back, she had held onto his shirt from front. He held her close and tight. She cried out loud thinking that she can't be with him. He hugs her for a little longer. Then helps her up, he takes her to the dining table, gives her water. He asks the house help to cook something for her.
Abhi :- How long are you going to hide that you are only Shanu?
She was surprised to know that.
Shanu :- You know?
Abhi :- Long before you found out and I know you are not ready to tell me because you are scared that my life will be in danger as my mom said.
Shanu :- I...how....either ways your mom isn't wrong. I can't guarantee your safety with me.
Abhi :- Who asked you to guarantee? Death is inevitable. Everyone has to die, even I will....
Shanu :- Keep your mouth if you are going to say this nonsense.
Abhi :- What I mean to say is if anything happens to me it's not going to be your fault? You don't need to blame yourseld....Blame me for shortly but remember me always.
Shanu :- Still....abhi your life will be in risk always.
Shaurya :- Your life's been always in risk too. Our life's been also in risk. But still you managed to keep us all safe because you love us very much. The same is what you do to Abhi so you will be able to keep him safe. In fact you don't even need to...because he himself is very capable.
Abhi :- She loves me??? thank God at least one line is clear.
Shanu :- Listen to me...I can bear the pain of being away from you but not the pain of losing you.
Abhi :- Being away from me will anyways make you lose me and if even if we are away and something happens to me what will you do? Then you will regret that you should have been together at least you could have saved me. The person you love has the right over you and I have the right over you so please don't think that only you will risk my life, I will also be risking your life. Why are we thinking about something which hasn't even happened yet? Let us live the moments we have got happily. My happiness lies in you Shanu. I really can't stay away from you. I want to be with you. I want to keep you happy. I want to care for you. I want to trust you.
Shanu :- I feel the same as you do. But I am scared.....
Abhi :- Love is all about how you feel at that moment with your love. It's not about how long you felt.....We both love each other since a very long time. Back then we didn't get a chance to tell each other about it but today when we have the chance, you are letting it go Shanu. Lucky are those who get love in their life. We have got it too Shanu let's cherish it utmost without worrying about what we will happen in future. Whatever it will be, let's face it together.
Shanu :- How did you know that it's me?
Abhi :- Remember the first time we met at my office, at that time when I had your hand. I felt the same as I used to feel when I held shanu's hand. This made me anxious to know about you but I didn't even see your face or knew your name. But the next day, we met again at cafe. The moment when you were trying to hide from your guards and we came close, my heart raced as it used to when I saw Shanu everytime. My feelings everytime gave me a sign. But it was confirmed when I saw the ring in your bag when you worked at z's world. I wanted to tell you at that moment but I found out that you are hiding your identity. So I thought to become your friend again so that you will comfortable with your secrets but you backed off thinking you might risk my life. The way I feel when I am close with you brings me immense happiness please let me have that pleasure for my entire life.
Shanu :- Forget me Abhi.....
Abhi :- What?
Shanu :- Please I beg of you. Forget it all. I can't stay beside you worrying when I will risk your life. I will never be able to forgive myself if anything happens to you. My heart aches if you're in pain. You are my life Abhi.....I can live with the pain of losing my love forever but not with pain of losing my life. I am really very unfortunate coz happiness in my life is shortlived. I was happy to know that I have found Abhi but then got to know that I can't be with him. I was happy to know that Abhi loves me too but no point in it since we can't be together.
Abhi :- Shanu.....you are making a mistake. please. The pain of staying away from your love hurts more than anything else. I can't bear that pain. You may have great endurance to pain but not me Shanu.
Shanu :- Then move on.....
Abhi :- What?
Shanu :- Move on with someone....
Abhi :- Hey!!! (screamed)
Shaurya and Saksham were startled by his scream and then he angrily broke a vase.
Abhi :- Don't you ever say that again. You should ask someone to do something when you can do it too. Can you?
Shanu :- I can't.
Abhi :- Don't ask me either. I am not scared to be with you because both of us can be in danger because of each other's enemies. But if we are together we can beat them all. I don't think you believe in our love. I am also among those unfortunates who lost their love. But I am more unfortunate because I lost my love because my love doesn't believe in our love. If you want this then let it be. I will stay from you. Let's see if I am happy or you are happy.
Shanu :- I am sorry. Forgive me (teary eyed)
Abhi :- Hey! Please be sorry! Please be sorry shanaya Singhal. You know what I am thinking right now. I am thinking that I should have never met you in my life. Or if we met then I should have never loved you. What I am feeling right now is breaking my heart into bits and pieces. I never thought that the person I love the most will give me the unbearable pain.
He takes slow steps and walks to her. He gazed at her sadly.
Abhi :- Look at me for one last time. I am never going to show you my face. I can't live here anymore.
Shanu :- No...no you can't go you ahve a family here.
Abhi :- I will take my mother along. Rest of them don't need me but my money as my responsibility I will send them enough money for their lavish life. Let me also have a look at you.
He hugged her strongly. She hugged him back but didn't let him go when he left the grip he forcefully came out of her arms and walked away. Shanaya bursted into tears again. She screamed terribly. On other hand, abhi sat in his car and drive fiercely. He was crying as well. He drove very fast but then suddenly applied brake. He hit his hand on the steering in anger and began to cry. Both of them were in immense pain. Shanaya felt sorry for her action but she did so because abhi's mother had known that once his life came in danger because of her and had asked her to make sure that it's never in danger again. So she had to let him go. Ths time the pain she felt was immense. Abhi was crying too and reached his home being drunk. Never in his life that had happened. His mother was shocked to see him like that. She wondered what happened.

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© Bhoomish