

Familiar strangers
It's true that you'll come across people in your life, people that'll make you feel there's more to yourself than what you think there is, people who are crazy about anything and everything, crazy about the places that they visit, the conversations they make, the things that they do, the people whom they love.. People who live life like there's no tomorrow, people who are detached from life and the justifications we make for living it the way we do, people who go in search of themselves, of what makes them happy, of love and soulmates... People who keep investigating about their inner consciousness, about spirituality, the true meaning of life and the various different ways to live it. People who exercise freedom as a gift rather than a right.. People who have a meaning to the lives they live rather than being born into this world earning a living, paying bills and dying.

You are my "people" and It's been a great few days with you both.