

A different turn ( PART 4)
I was continuously biting my nails.... I had no idea of what to do!

Was I supposed to file a complaint? What did I possibly do to gain such hatred???

What did he want from me? Or she? Wait , no it's probably a guy ! But no it could be a girl!

What!?? No, it's always a guy! Wait , now I am gender biased? Wait. , But the note called me " pumpkin" , a girl won't call me pumpkin, she would probably call me something like a bitch...cause she hated me....so definitely a guy! Or wait!!!...maybe that's what she wants me to think...

What the heck..why am I.....SNAP OUT JANIENA!!!

"Hey!" And I felt a hand on my shoulder

I jumped up with a squeak
," AAAHHH!!!"

" Overthinking much!!? What made you so jumpy today?!!"said Rach almost freaking the shit outta me.

She tried peeping in my room which was full of people and police... probably trying to figure what the fuss was all about. But she's could not get through with all the crowd.

" what's going on?" She asked frowning with worry dancing on her forehead.

I couldn't say it....I just COULDN'T!!!!
Was Jane that we are talking about...my sister like friend.

I gathered up the courage that I could manage and said, " Jane has been murdered"
It sounded so wrong.... Yet it was so true...!

"Jane......Jane is murdered?????"

The tension building up in her throat and the tears in her eyes made me weak in the knees.
Rach didn't move , her body went stiff as a tear trickled down her cheek, while her skin lost itss colour...

I couldn't hold it anymore...
After the call with Jane's mom , I was quick to call the police. The hotel manager and the entire staff was standing in my room, crowded with police officers in pictures of the body... Jane's body!!!

I ran into Rach's arms , while she was still shocked.... And I cried as loudly as i could

All 6 of us were standing outside my room , in deep shock....just crying on eachothers shoulder while none of us could believe anything that was happening.....

We were given another room, and the media was asked not to bother us as we grieved. The room was silent...none said a word!

Jane had a great impact on our lives...... She was always there for us!!!! Be it good, bad , or ugly... She was there!!
But most of all.... She was with me! She was there support me when I need her , when I wouldn't come out of my room , when I refused to eat , when Kevin and I broke up!

Loosing her felt like loosing a part of me , the better part of me...

The police was done looking at the crime scene and the body. They came into our room to find us crying our hearts out and briefly informed that the body will be taken for a biopsy. Jane's parents were called up to inform about the happenings and the procedures that had to be done. They were asked to sign the legal documents and consent of allowing the biopsy and hence , Jane's parents booked a flight as early as they could and said they would be reaching soon.

None of us felt hungry when the room service came over to ask about our order. I had lost my appetite. I went to bed early...with a splitting headache. As i lied down on the soft mattress....I took out the note out of my pocket.

I compared itto the other note. The writing was the same

It was an unusual handwriting...not one I had seen before. In our school, we are given all our work to be typed out ,so basically, there wasn't much to recall , but then again , I had seen a bunch of handwritten love letters that Joan got so I tried comparing to that...but I couldn't remember. Also it was weird that even some of those love letters were printed..... (ASSHOLES)

I was just not able to sleep.....it's like some or the other noise kept waking me up...and when it finally reached my eyes I dreamt of Jane's face...the way it had been torn to shreds


I couldn hear her scream..... resonating against my ear drum.....

I tossed and turned but nothing seemed to work!!
I thought hard
Ok now I'm on the verge of farting


No , I got nothing!

Just then , my phone flashed and I had a bad habit of seeing why it did when it did... So it was my reflex that made me see my phone , not me..!
I expected a message form Chase Bank to tell that my money has been transferred...

But it was from a private number. It read

"If you're thinking about telling the cops
Think again!! I'm busy...I got things to plan
I suggest you be quick to react next time...
This one I someone close...but not that close"


© HennaG