

death's ride
There I was, driving down the main artery of the the state, it was raining like it was out of style and I had been driving most of the day.the night combined with the rain had made it very poor visibility and I must admit I wished I had taken a reprieve from the highway.
by the time the rain was Into the downpour that was forecast.
I had been driving for almost 12 hours.
I switched on the radio and turned up the volume, found myself the loudest style of music I could tolerate.
it was rock and pure hardcore, I began to feel awake slightly more.
the monotomy of the rain and long hours began to creep up and I must've fallen into a dozing sleep because I heard the horn and screeching wheels, the headlights of the other car sped past and I could almost hear the insults from the other driver.
with my hand I wiped my face, 'this cargo is needed' I told myself,'its destination was a military base that had ordered sheets of metal,'for our troops'i reasoned without considering, the fact that it was still another 2 days drive.
I saw the figure by the side of the road'hitchhiker, great, they can keep me awake'.
I slowed and allowed them in,the rig I had thrown my life into,everypenny,every saving, I had foregone a family for love of my job, and I had become nationally known among certain circles.
the passenger door opened and the figure climbed in.
"thanks"they said in a strange voice, almost female despite the fact that they were a man.
I smile and turn on the heater, turning down the music I ask him if he is ok with the first stop in the next state.
"sure,why not James".
I didn't realize that he had used my name right away but I did I'll admit feel uncomfortable with the man's presence, I dunno he just felt off yknow.
"I always do this yknow".
his voice was flat and emotionally dead,"do what?"I ask with a sidelong glance,"travel".
was his only reply, turning the radio off like it was his big rig I was about to protest when I saw him.
his eyes were filled with Maggots and his tongue was a large worm.
"I travel every road, battlefield, hospital and place in the world".he turned his head slightly and nodded out the window,the crash site was strewn with debris,a big rig and a car collision, the car had actually come out of it cleaner, only smashing the rear and sending it careening off the road, the big rig,my big rig had, jackknifed and proceeded to roll, smashing into a tree and continuing to come to a stop on its side, flames licked it in small fires caused by a gasoline leak.
"it's not his fault James, don't be angry".
"you needed sleep and would not Rest".
I began to feel the rig and myself shake, I was terrified,"am I...."
"yes" he replied simply before I could tell I was no longer on earth, the highway was lined with bones and skulls of a million people,"how it works is I recycle your soul, the flotsam and jetsam of your'phsyical'self stays behind.
"what about heaven and hell?"I asked nervously.
his laughter was torture as he explained.
"only the human mind created those places James".
this was a surprise and I started to plea, beg, anything but a death that had been empty of meaning,no one else to mourn or remember.
death because I knew him now.
laughed harder untill we arrived.
and my soul was dismantled and pulled apart, only for it to be reunited in another incarnation of another living human.
© 2020 k g Grayson