


The sky lit up with few explosive in the air as they try to knock our planes down from the sky as the planes fly straight through the open air enemy sky as kept firing big artillery gun canons at us making the plane rattle, shake, tremble with a fierce intesinty.
As we all got neverous and then bug explosion goes off knocking one plane out the sky and it spiraled down and then that was the end of the plane. And we the eighty second airborne division infantry unit we are the guards of the air we are to descend upon the ground and help win the war. As we all stand before one another and I stand behind one guy as I had my hand raised over my head holding onto a strap waiting for a chance to attack the enemy below. And we were anticipating very anxiously and the Nazi bastards try to take us out. And we saw the red turned to a green light as we got to our drop zone and then the captain opens the door one by one we jump out the plane and headed for the drop zone. And I jump out and unlatch my parachute and then I got closer and somehow was shot down with few holes into the canvas and I got stuck in a tree; and I land in a oak tree I tried to get my knife out and cut my straps loose and jump down from the tree. And then I land on my feet. Few rounds of fire were being shot at me I see a house that is in my sight and I go towards it and then few more shots were fired at me from the house in the far right window and then I kept running and then I take some protective cover and I load my gun and I turn and lay out few shots back at the Nazi bastard and then he fired few more shots at me and I come out from bidding and then I fire a shot back and break the glass in the window. As big explosion go off again in the sky and I run up to the house and force my way into the house then I heard someone walking upstairs and I point my gun up there and shot through the floor and the person fell. And I run up the stairs as I reach the stairs and rush up them and I reach the center step and the reach the top and on the second level and then I saw a body laying in the middle of the floor and I walk around the house and then I hear someone in another room and then it was a German SS class officer he came at me and I fired a shot into him stopping him in his tracks and falls down before me. And I kick open a rooms door and I walk inside the room. And then I was shot at as a Nazi bastard fired from the back yard and then it kept firing at me I get low and I spin around and fire two shots at him and one of my shots breaks bricks and then the Nazi fired few rounds of shots at me and one of them almost got me and I return fire I get the bastard in the arm and then I run out of the room as a grenade was thrown in from the window and I get out there I run down the stairs and then it went off and I knocked down the stairs and I get low and I get up and ran down the stairs and then I force my way out in the back and I ran at the basatrd and fired a shot at the Nazi bastard. And get him I stop and reload my gun and I ran around the front of the house and then I ran down the lawn and I saw open clarity to get out of there to find my unit and regroup with them. And I ran down a road and. I was met by a sweeping fire of a machine gun bunker and with a rapid fire and I ran trying to confuse the guy who was behind the machine gun.
And I get behind a stone wall with few sand bags on the side I sprang around and fire back I get the guy in the hand and then I ran at the Nazi bastard as I went to get him then I jump over the bunker wall and then I take hold of his tin hat and start whacking him with it and then I unlatch my knife from my leg and stick it in into his chest.


As the sound of the fighting fell silent and it was at rest I went to find my unit I walk down the road as the light of the new dawn breaks open and comes rising up in the sky. And I walked few miles down the road feeling like I was lost and so I reach.

To be continued in 2/4......

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