

The Hello Man Chapter 12: The Spirit Realm
The Hello Man was standing in a desert where it rain blood. There was no sightings of a living or dead creature nearby. The Hello Man was alone. The Hello Man walked around a bit. A few hours later The Hello Man stepped into sand what seems to be quicksand. The sand was so strong thar it pulled The Hello Man into the ground. The Hello Man tried to escape, but couldn't. All the sudden the sand vanished and he fell. After three hours of just falling, The Hello Man finely landed. There was nothing but mountains, old houses and trees around him. It looked like paradise, but not to The Hello Man, it looked like a place for mortals for him. The Hello Man walked around the place and found other beings like Demons and Mortal men. One man wearing dark shades, dark shoes and a dark hat asked The Hello Man if he new. The Hello Man replied: "New?, what do you mean by new, wait, wait where the Hell am I." The man answered that he was in a dark realm called The Spirit Realm. The Hello Man looked around for a bit before he asked the man how he got there. The man answered: "Well you got here the same as the rest of us, by dying while being not worthy to go to heaven and so evil and dark that you skipped Hell and The Underworld." The Hello Man then asked the man if there was a way out of there and the man replied that there is, but only one way. The Hello Man wanted to know how and the man answered: "The only way out is to compete and win the tournament of Dark Fallings which only happens every 100 years and your in luck, because the tournament starts in 3 weeks from now." The Hello Man asked the man who the top 3 beings are in this realm is and the man answered Kore Sakel, David Madland and KHUN LEE. Then The Hello Man asked where the tournament will take place. The man took The Hello Man there. After a while The Hello Man got a headache after seeing the stadium where it was gonna take place. The Hello Man all the sudden got visions of his dark past. While he was having these visions the man told him that, "Its normal to have dark visions from your past the first time if you see the stadium, why do you think do they call it The Dark Fallings." The Hello Man all the sudden lost his mind, his body turned on fire and he punched the man in the stomach that send him on fire and he is not fire immune like The Hello Man. The man got a hole in his stomach while he was flying in the air still on fire. Everyone there was watching. The Hello Man's visions started to faint. All the suddeen a dark shadow-being appeared in front of The Hello Man. The being asked The Hello Man what his name was and The Hello Man told him it. The dark shadows-being then said that he's name was KHUN LEE and that he sees forward to fight him in the tournament. Just when The Hello Man wanted to say something he noticed that KHUN was long gone. After 3 weeks The Tournament of Dark Fallings began. A Green Demon said that the rules of the tournament is simple, kill your opponent to win the round. The first, second and third rounds was easy for The Hello Man to win, but the fourth he went against David Madland. David was also a demon possessed in a mortal body with Demonic powers, but the difference is that he actually trained. The Hello Man struggled to beat him. David was fighting like a true master of fighting, but just with Demonic powers. The Hello Man got mad when David punched him through the face what almost let him fall of his feet. The Hello Man started to burn. His wings started to spread open slowly while his eyes began getting redder by the second. When David went to punched The Hello Man again, The Hello Man grabbed his arm and ripped it clean off. The Hello Man whispered, "Hello". He then lifted David by the throat and began to float. David tried to break free, but couldn't, The Hello Man was just to strong. A sword appeared in The Hello Man's right hand. KHUN LEE was watching the fight from a great distance away. When he saw The Hello Man slice off David's head clean off while blasting a fire blast at David's body what exploded he turned around and vanished. Aftet a few rounds it was the final round, only The Hello Man and KHUN LEE was left of all thousands of being who entered the tournament of Dark Fallings.

To be Continued


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