

Rescuing A Friend
There was once a beautiful forest teeming with lush green trees, plants, and wildlife. In the forest, there were four best friends- a deer, a crow, a rat, and a turtle. They lived happily together playing and having fun. One day, a hunter came into the forest and captured the deer which was lazing under a tree. The deer tried to escape the net but to no avail. The deer’s friends came rushing hearing the deer’s cries for help. They noticed the deer lying motionless caught under the net and immediately came up with a plan to help him out.

First, the turtle distracted the hunter. While the hunter was busy looking for the turtle, the crow pretended to peck at the deer like he was dead. This was just an act so that the hunter would think the deer was dead. In the meantime, the rat chewed up the net. In a matter of minutes, the deer was free and all the friends escaped.

Moral: Real friends always help each other no matter the situation.

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