

Some stuff just clicks and alot doesn't
Some situations are simple and difficult for others it's ok because that's life.
We're all different and unique in our own way we learn differently.
We tend to forget to appreciate our next breath and get stuck in agony due to setbacks.
Most of us are trying and believing and some not ready just waiting .
We're all battling our own war facing trial and error and were gonna make it.
We just have to keep faith in ourselves and humanity. We have to learn to love ourselves and keep up with the positive vibes to keep things going right we are not crazy we are gifted with God's blessings in disguise to Conquer.
We all have a mission to rise from setbacks and fear.
Whether it's surviving addictions in our society or battling our own insecurities , overcoming our trauma ,we all have a meaning in this life to someone not just things.
We all have a story and it's ours to tell if we choose, we are the ones who write the script the ones who fulfill our own destiny it's up to us to love ourselves before someone else can love us we are the ones who can change if we choose.
Thats Conquered For Me.
© Lisa Aragon