

Nostalgic Rain
Let's play and enjoy dancing in the rain, just like when we were kids. We don't care about the world; all we care about is the happiness that rain brought us in our childhood days.

Together with my childhood friends, we were so happy playing in the rain, climbing trees, searching for beetles, and waiting for rainbows. We would count how many colors were in the rainbow and bet each other on the order of the colors. Our answers were all different, but it was so much fun.

We would go home hungry, expecting wonderful and delicious snacks made by our mothers or grandmothers. I would hear my playmates' mothers scolding them, and some of my friends' mothers didn't care. I was happy that my mom wasn't strict; she might scold me, but I knew it was out of love.

I miss those days. I'm growing old now, but I want to experience being a kid again. Life is so short. Even though I don't have any playmates anymore, I will wait for the rain to come. I will simply walk in the rain, shower in the rain, and reflect on the old memories I had many years ago.

I want to be happy. I want freedom. I want to be a kid again. 🌦️🦋🤗

© Ember Rage

#RainyDayBliss #ChildhoodMemories #InnocenceUnleashed #RainbowHunters #NostalgicJoy #CarefreeDay #RevivingChildhood #RainyDayPlaytime #EmbracingYouthfulness #EmberRageStories