

Just & Lovely
In India, fairness creams expanded their business very rapidly, almost it covers 5000crore and among them Fair and lovely has 70% stake..
The ongoing issue of fair and lovely opens the pages of mystery that how badly people are fond of fairness.. and it raised a question in my mind, 'Why only fair people are lovely?
Although we get independent from conical power but their ideologies are still ruling us.. The idea behind GORI MAME is deep rooted in our society and this is seen today in the form of FAIRNESS CREAMS.
from politics to business, society to self all are flooded with the idea of fair and handsome /fair and lovely.. it creates social stigma and no one actually knows how many people are there who are daily fighting with this man made gap..
I think this issue can never lighten up in india until the American tussel does not appear because we are made this fairness is an integral part of our society.. which can be seen in so many bollywood songs.
Fair and black are just the level of melanin in our body there is no connection of it with lovely and beautiful.. the real beauty is the beauty of heart which is enshrined in it in the form of kindness, love,care etc..
Let's see how long this issue remains in our nation!!

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