

Jonny & The forest
Jonney and the forest

Jonny is a farmer . He was born in a small village in swezland . When he was a kid his
Father told him " Jonny , you shouldn’t go to the forest " . the forest is a place they know
That anyone go to there , he will die .

Jonny loves the adventure life , when he was a kid , he visited with his father many different
Countries , so One day, Jonny decide to go to the forest , but he didn’t tell anyone except his dog *Max*
Who joined him to the forest .

At night , when everyone in the village were sleep Jonny take his dog and his torch to the forest.
When , Jonny was standing outside the forest , he told himself " it’s a bad idea but , I will keep going
To find my adventure in this forest " . Jonny went inside to the forest.
At the first , he didn’t found any wild animal , he thought that everything will be fine.

At the middle , suddenly, he stopped he heard something coming from the tree and max shout
However , he keep going . Suddenly , he saw a big black snake coming to him but , Jonny ran fast.
Jonny stopped and he thought, he will be save but , he saw something he didn’t know , what is it ?
But , he thought that this something who killed the other people , which , Jonny and his dog ran fast back to the village.

In the morning jonnys family walked up and didn’t found Jonny . Suddenly , some one knock the door , he was Jonny and the dog with a scare face . They asked him " where were you " , he answered : "nothing , I walked up early and played with the dog , so I m very tired , I want to sleep " .

Jonny didn’t tell anyone about his visiting to the forest , every day he asked himself said : " who was in the forest " . Even now he doesn’t know the answer and he is keeping the secret to himself . Jonny was the fist one who survived from the forest .

Written by : Khaled Amr