

Street Fighters2 Pt. 1 Everything is fine.
When I opened my eyes. ‏I was in a hospital, ‏Karlos and his wife were sitting near me and Eredaze ‎,Kelsey and Amy ‎was ‎also ‎there. ‏Richard ‎, ‏Michele ‎and ‎Steve ‎were ‎also ‎there ‎. ‏Amy ‎noticed ‎that ‎I ‎woke ‎up. ‏Everyone ‎gifted ‎me ‎bouquets ‎and ‎sweets ‎. ‏Later, ‏on ‎Amy ‎told ‎me ‎everything ‎what ‎had ‎happened ‎Karlos ‎won ‎the ‎title ‎and ‎the ‎prize ‎money ‎and ‎now ‎he ‎can ‎treat ‎his ‎son. ‏I ‎was ‎unconscious ‎so ‎the ‎novels ‎decided ‎to ‎give ‎him ‎the ‎title. ‏I ‎wasn't ‎worried ‎instead ‎I ‎was ‎happy ‎for ‎him. ‏Karlos ‎said ‎he ‎would ‎do ‎another ‎match ‎with ‎me ‎if ‎we ‎meet ‎again ‎with ‎no ‎judges ‎or ‎refrees ‎to ‎intrupt ‎just ‎a ‎fight ‎to ‎see ‎whose ‎the ‎best. ‏After ‎that ‎he ‎become ‎my ‎friend ‎but ‎we ‎haven't ‎fight ‎since ‎now. ‏We ‎were ‎waiting ‎for ‎the ‎right ‎time. ‏So ‏kids ‎Do ‎you ‎like ‎my ‎Story ‎.

‏Kids ‎: ‏Yes ‎we ‎love ‎that. ‏

‏Penny ‎: ‏Dad ‎thanks ‎for ‎telling ‎us ‎you're ‎story.
‏Kids ‎: ‏Thanks ‎uncle ‎pol.

‏Pol ‎: ‏Ok ‎bye.
‏(Pol ‎and Penny ‎moved ‎outside ‎of ‎the ‎Kindergarten)
‏Penny ‎: ‏Dad, ‏was ‎that ‎story ‎real?
‏Pol ‎: ‏Yes, ‏that ‎was ‎my ‎real ‎story ‎of ‎my ‎dream ‎.
‏Penny ‎ ‎: ‏Now, ‏I ‎also ‎wanna ‎be ‎a ‎street ‎fighter.

‏Pol ‎: ‏Well ‎you ‎can ‎be. ‏Now ‎it's ‎your ‎time ‎to ‎go to college.

‏Penny ‎: ‏Oh ‏yeah, ‏ok ‎bye.

‏Pol ‎(thinking ‎): ‏It ‎was ‎so ‎hurtful ‎to ‎tell ‎ ‎a ‎painful ‎story ‎.

(Penny got to her college.)

Penny (thinking) : Father's incomplete dream. And he chosed humanity instead of his dreams. Father is too kind. I will make his dream come true.