

Soul is immortal ,death in inevitable
Do you want to live because you are afraid to die? If you think something should be written about the question, go ahead and do so.

In life and death cycles. Soul doesn't really dies, body perishes. it is strong for a certain period of time ,then after it loses its charm and vigor.
everyone wants to live sound and cheerful till the end of their days. if people knew the fate of their ageing processes precisely. Then they would be well prepared to escape or face it in best ways.Nobody opts for a dependent life,helpless life or bedridden life.
life is a series of new journeys and the soul must be ready to experience it all. terminal point is death. nobody should fear of it because soul will be atmost in state of liberty.
Many think of old age and start to worry rather than death date. even in today's astrology birth time is more popular than death time and date .
We keep doing karma all through our life and even death pattern changes as per karmic vibes. we all have oppurutinities to the good and bad paths of life, we all know toxic and good fruits in this life, we know existence of divine and evil places in life , we know the God and satin of this life.
if you chose to go with only good things in life you will not really worry about the death because positive energy keeps you helping in achieving and living the best days of life.
if you chose to go in negative directions in life , you will have lots of fear , including fear of death .there will be hauntings of your crimes, mistakes and sins .
life is illusionary in front of parallel dimensions. Soul is lasting entity. take care of the soul,feed it with positive energies.