

little for country
It's not necessary to be a part of soldier to protect your own country
or to be a part of something like international sports, etc to contribute in your country's proudness.

what necessary is to try, to stand and to face
Try to stop that small small unappropriate things happening around you .
open your eyes to see the wrong happening
use your laws to protect the rights
use your education to teach good to others
Try to stand for actual truth
not for what you supposed to be truth.
raise your voice for the things which actually good for everyone
stand against people who are somewhere dangerous for someone or everyone.
Try to face what is wrong according to you.
stop being selfish or stop being like ohh it's her/his prblm why should I help....
stop being corrupt or stop being blamer
stop being a avoider or stop being a listener everytime.

you'll find so much of peace also when you do a little for your country , for humans.

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