

It's not Hate, it's the Haughtiness of such man.
Where some cunning people are Questioning someone on his citizenship and court have righteously pushed them aside and what is the certification of being a countryman, well a country man is not someone who is absolutely eager to dismiss the Errors or Faults, or something that needs the concentration from it's Republic although, I have never speak on Politics and this article of mine neither it stands or support any hate speech. He is not only the citizen of India, but he is someone who has dictated a lesson in front of the public which is to look after the calibre that may not lead you to the results that you are after and therefore, it will make people hit you hard because as we are in the Subcontinent. If someone (Failed). We then didn't study or look at the matter with the sense of reaching out to someone where we could attain what is or what not, instead we only start either Laughing or we begin to post comments that are meaningless from Head to Toe. India is shuffling the Hopes around to be a blessed country because this is the country that has resources but, it has poor Quality of people out there who are in Adminstrations and various Departments, and mainly many of them. They are in actuality nowhere, but in the parliament itself. We don't need Nationalism to get thumped into a debate that will be about (Desh-Bhakti. Never make yourself belittle because you could be a reformer who reforms the goodness of being a Citizen. So the Acts that are mentioned or they have been situated in the Textbooks. It is to lead someone to the justice instead of making the common man feel that Law and Judiciary is the comical joke. Hate is not hate there is another more horrendous thing than hate which is to be Haughty and fox people as though there could be no Nationalist who is better than you.