

Spiritual Transcendence

Somewhere Deep inside, a wretched soul delved in the conscience, a quest seeking ultimate salvation from the apocalyptic worldliness. Soon, I was steered into unbounded realm of spiritual World, extracting out the phantom of hatred and anger in me. The congregation of mighty mountains wrapped in nature’s green with their blood curdling ridges, the aesthetic bucolic valley, and resounding beauty of sun showering his formidable mightiness on the mountains constituted a meritorious ambiance around me. The enchanting symphony emanating from wafting leaves tranquilized the chaotic renegade inside me. The nature’s in-distinctive mumbling, once indecipherable, became comprehensible, the delusional grandeur commenced to fade away and in the blink of an eye, reclusiveness engulfed the every-inch of me. All of a sudden, I realized the Almigh copious omnipotence and also midget vitality attached to my flesh. I got acquitted from the prison of avarice, hustle, and uncertainty and entered into pacific meadows of humility. Nothing was more pacifying than acquiring visceral peace.