

It was darkest of all the nights,
The moon was in it's thinnest crescent,
Blinds of the north window made waves with the breeze,
Surrounding was so calm the tune of tide and ebb devised music,

This romance of nature developed the mood for our candle light dinner,
My love's face was brighter than ever as,
I didn't say-"I love you",
Instead it was-" Will you marry me?"

"Crunchhhhh" the full length glass window fell apart into pieces,
The silence pricked our ears,
We grasped each other,
The sound of his pulse beat was distinct,
Until he went near the window to check,
The noiseless night killed me every second,
The darkness was darkening,
I called out his name breaking the silence,
Guess what -- no answer came,

I waited for the twilight to turn,
In the slight light, I could see him dead near the north window,
With dried blood on his favourite white shirt which I gifted him the last night,
I was left all alone!
My tears on his chest didn't dry,
To protect me, he didn't even make a noise,
For which I will never forgive him!

That very day, by his epitaph, I promised for a revenge,
Years passed in search of the culprits,
The day came when I killed his murderers the same way- by thrashing broken glasses into their very throat, so that they could also not yell,

I was successful in taking my revenge,
Perhaps that was when I lost my reason to live,
I was all alone again with his ring and our memories,
I was not alone because "Karma never leaves".

© tuli