

Remember Me??
chapter 1
scene 2

Bella's POV
i can't believe he can just walk away just like that. look at the mess he's caused, what do i do now?.

i went to my aunt's house a few blocks away to freshen up and maybe grab something to wear. so here i am on my aunt's door step, knocking more like banhing on the door. " come in" thats what i heard so i opened the door and went straight to her bedroom, i knew for sure that she knew it was me so she didnt bother to come and check. i took a bath and then changed, i had to go to a meeting today with my dad to meet my supposedly future husband, i hate my dad for always forcing marriage on me, i mean I'm totally fine being alone.

" Bella! when your done can you please take that jacket on the couch to your father"
" okay aunty i will!" i screamed back. Now its time for me to face my demons.

i stopped a cab and it led me to a huge mansion which looked kind of deserted, my home, a place I've lived at all my life with just me and my father. i walked inside and went straight to the office to see him and when i opened the door of his office i was suddenly hit by a storm of emotions.

End of POV

" angel, meet your fiance" Bella just stood there glaring at the man who had a wide smirk on his face. " angel, whats wrong?" she stepped forward and dropped the jacket on the desk and ran out of the room.

" forgive my daughter Mr. Lucius" she's very shy, " i understand Mr. Guerre, she'll warm up to me very soon.

Meanwhile Bella was in her room panting, qustions of why him kept roaming in her mind, she felt like she was about to explode. she wondered why her father chose him instead some totally useless adiot, she will never marry him, she thought.

Bella made a phone call to Teresa. " Tes" she heard a yawn on the receiver " Bells....whats wrong, you woke me up" Bella rolled her eyes " Are you doing your regular afternoon naps again?"
" mind you, they help me relax"
" okay whatever Tes, can i stay with you today, please"
" ofcouse babes, but whats wrong?"
" i'll tell you when i get there"
"okay I'll be waiting for you"
" bye, kisses" she dropped the call and packed her bags then Mark walked into her room, " i was told this is the room for my future wife"

Bella jumped up and covered her eyes in fear and she slowly opened one eye " you know its rude to creep up on people?"