

Everyone always says it's okay I know how you feel you will be fine, but do you really know how I feel. Do you really think It's okay? Or is it that you want me to stop crying. Why does everyone think a word can fix something or someone. Just because you apologize dosnt mean I forgive you. Just because you say your sorry doesn't mean my heart is fixed. When you apologize to a bottle for crumbleing it up does sorry fix it. No, it's dosent so why do you think it will heal a heart. Healing a heart takes time it takes crying every night for hours. Sorry will never fix what you did, but yet we are told to say it. Most of the time when people apologize they don't mean it they say it just to make themselves look better. I hate it when someone hurts me and turns around and says I'm sorry like what's that supposed to do you hurt me and you expect sorry to fix it. My heart is still hurting from the last time you hurt me. I'm still in pain even though you apologized, but I keep letting you in. I keep accepting the apologies. So is it my fault I keep getting hurt. I don't know anymore. I don't know if I should keep on forgiving. I don't know if I should let you in anymore. Just because I'm not crying or showing you I'm not okay after you apologize dosnt mean I forgot what you did.