

From Crush To Enemy _Park Sunghoon FF (Enhypen) Episode 4

_the next day_


I wake up and stretching my body and get some shower. I wore my uniform and get my stuff. I really excited for today's plan. I run to the kitchen and my mom saw me.

"Why were you smile brightly.? Did you love Beomgyu?"

She said while smirking. I plan to hug her but it gone away.

"No, I'm not fall to him. He's my bestfrined ma.."

I said in a lazy tone.

*Knock! Knock!*

I run to the door and open it. I saw Beomgyu there smile brightly but at the same time he was blushed!

'What the...'

"Beomgyu.....are you okay..?"

I ask him while giving a confuse face.

"I know it already! Just get a couple!"

My mom shouted. I give her a death glares and she laugh while walking to the kitchen.

"Yah! Why you being like this?"

I push his shoulder and he spoke.

"I think I fall with someone......"

He said while rubbed his neck. Wow! Beomgyu was inlove!

"Yow..come in and tell me!!"

I dragged him and my mom spoke.

"You're gonna be late honey. Get your food and go now!"


I responded her. I take my food and dragged Beomgyu out. All the road was just a silent but Beomgyu...I can't believe my bestfriend just get a soulmate!! All the walk, he just smile and of course, blushing hard.

"Yah! You didn't tell me yet. Nobody here! Tell me now.."

I stopped and look each other. He gulp and look away. Of course that was embarrassing if you told someone that you had a crush on her.

"Yah...okay. You didn't tell me it's okay, but we need to hurry and do the plan.!"


He answer. I giggled and run with him through the school.

"Okay now let's start Soomin..!"

We both just chillin' together like always when Sunghoon not here before. Beomgyu give me a signal that Sunghoon was afar from us.

".....you can just give me a kiss!"

We started to act and Beomgyu said that when we planned like we both on couple. I hurriedly chup his cheek and we both giggles.

"Wow..someone being couples now... congrats!"

Our classmates said. I saw Sunghoon enter the class with a poker face. I know he didn't care a lot but you'll see Sunghoon.

"I will buy you ice cream at lunch later.."

Beomgyu said and go to his seat. I literally just want to laugh right now. He can acting. Wow! Haha!

He seat and I seat too. I won't able to change the seat because I want to seat there and stay with Sunghoon. But, just look what I have plan...

In the first subject, I just waiting the time. Yes! The first period done I will do it now!

I act like I'm stretching my hand and look at Sunghoon. He just with his poker face and just look at the whiteboard while keep doing his work.


"You really don't wanna talk with me?"

I look at him straight to his face. He look at me with just his eyes were moving and look back at the whiteboard. Okay..

"I guess that I'm bored in here."

I started to pack my stuff and bag while look at other classmates.

"Yuri! Change seat with me!"

"Ouh, okay!"

Good, she's agreed with it. I look at Sunghoon and he little bit confuse with my act. Yuri has won at the team but I disagreed with her to change but she want to change the seat by sitting beside Beomgyu.

As I seat back at my place, the whole time during the class I will saw that Sunghoon was not focus. Can I be more savageness!?

I take my water and drink it but in a breath. I choked and other were shoked. Beomgyu look at me and started to patted my back. Good Beomgyu. You're understand me. I give him some look and he slowly put a 'ahh' at his mouth pointly that he knew what I mean.

"Are you okay, Soomin-ah!?"

He ask me acted like he's worried much to me.

"I'm..*cough* okay..*cough*.."

Am I too over!? Hehehe....

Sunghoon immediately get up out of nowhere.

"Sir, may I go to the restroom a minute?"

He ask straightly to the teacher.

"Okay, okay. Soomin are you okay?"

I nodded and saw that Sunghoon was look at me pissed and get out of class. Take that!


'What is wrong with her!? I want her back to my side! Argh! What is wrong with me!?'

I look at the mirror and thinking.

'Maybe I was wrong for being so cold to her and reject her like that..'

I thought.

'Maybe I should love her didn't I? Am I too cold..? Argh..! What can I do for you!?'

I walk back to my class and Soomin didn't even look at me and keep focusing at the teacher. I seat and started to plan what to do?

_to be continue_

_Hi Cloudys! Are you enjoying it? I'm sorry for my grammar and mistakes at this episode and one of last, I love you Cloudys!_