

True Love Always there in the heart.. ❤
There was a person who proposed my bestie and everything was well and both were happy. Then suddenly that person started ignoring her message and when he message then my bestie use to ignore his message and didn't reply. That time he always used to shout why you don't reply me on time then there has been a dispute between then she say because you don't reply that's why I dont reply.Then always used to meet in a garden as my bestie told him that you are having someone else in your life that's why your ignoring me. Yes I have someone in my life I don't want you in my life he replied. Then she move from there by crying and came to me and said me he don't love me. I said what happen why your crying if your comfortable then say otherwise it okey but don't cry.Then she said me everything then I told that he might me disturbed of something you asked him at that time someone is there in your life so he said yes. Don't cry everything will be solved soon go and take rest at home and don't talk with him in a angry mood when he will message you I said. Then she said okey hope he too talk to me in a good way. I just prayed for a moment that please God he talk with her in a good mood and they both be happy.Then he has not talked with her nearly for a week. As there has been a dispute between them previously but he always say sorry to her and Sometimes he used to give her a rose and say sorry in front if her. As for week she was not having food as she say in her home that she had food with me . As such think was going on but somewhere I felt she is not eating so I always try to buy food feed sometimes and convince her to eat. Then I asked my friend it is not your mistake I know but please say a sorry to him so that everything will be resolve but she said no. As she replied me if he will come to me and say sorry also I will not take that sorry. I don't want him and he is no more in my life as she said me in a angry mood. Told me that you will never talk about him to me. I was thinking everything will be alright but now it is going worst. So I meet my bestie boyfriend as he always used to go to gym in the evening so I meet him on that way. I said hii.. Then he asked me what happen? Why are you here? I don't want to discuss anything with you? I said I will not say you anything just please say sorry to her once so that everything will get resolve please. He responded me no I will not say sorry . I don't want her in my life and said be bye and even don't want to talk to you also. I was really confused and was thinking what is happening between them. I really didn't get conclusion. Then my bestie and I have seen something really shocked as my friend boyfriend is with someone else close. My bestie seen that and started crying at that moment. I said control yourself please don't cry for God sake. Then I said it's better that you forgot him and don't cry he lost a good girlfriend like he will realize one day. She said me I want to be alone please leave me. I said today I will not go let both go and I will drop you at the home. Then she said please go for a God sake. I said okey Iam going but when you will reach home call me. But I was hidding and seeing that what she is doing and going home safely . As she was sitting for a while and watching that garden where his boyfriend and his new girlfriend is sitting and he don't know. It has been am hour I was standing and she was sitting and watchin g . Then I made a call to her did you have reached home she said no and I said how long you will sit wait I will come from home. Then she respond me you don't come Iam going home. I asked her give me a promise she promised me and cut the call and started walking toward the home way. Then even his boyfriend who was sitting in a garden was in back and said her new girlfriend to go and said thank you so much for this. I was thinking why he saying thank you so much and now why he is going with my bestie at the back?. I felt something is fishy then I was following both my bestie as well his boyfriend who was behind. Then at that time one bike was in a high speed it was coming toward her then I ran fast.. But her boyfriend was near so he pulled her both of them fall down. So at that movement I have stopped little backward and started watching there reaction. Then she was asking him you have not got any hurt .. Then he was asking first you say your ok you have not got any hurt. She said thank you...sorry...I love you.Then he shouted at her where is your eyes you cannot see the road stupid. Do you love me she was asking.Then he said anyone at your place they will be there I should have saved them as a humanity. It is not that I love you and I have a new girlfriend who trust me and reply me on time. Sorry please forgive me she was asking. Then I came please forgive her if she have hurt you. Then he moved aways said that you take care of her and said goodbye not want to see you again. Last think I would like to say he said that you better have a good boyfriend who reply you on time and listen everything to you and said Goodbye. She was crying I said don't cry yaar how much you will cry for him she was saying me you know I have said sorry. As was really felling sad for her and she asked me you reached home how did you came?... Then I said I was hidding there to watch you that you going home safely. Somewhere I felt that something wrong why he said his new girlfriend thank you so much . So I had a talk with my friend boyfriend bestfriend and asked him that I know that her new girlfriend is not her girlfriend . Now you explain me what is going on why your friend left my friend. He said you know everything about new girlfriend yes I know. Then he said that he is having a blood cancer and he will just stay for a year. So that's why he want that your friend should love someone else and be happy. He don't want that she should cry in his death ceremony if she hate her it's ok but not cry. That why he was acting that he is having a girlfriend having a fight with your friend
At that moment I really cried and I while coming I meet my bestie boyfriend and said iam really sorry if I have hurt you and your health will get well soon. Then he stoped me and took a promise that don't say anything to my bestie .At that moment I received a call that my bestie who meet with an accident and no more. I was shocked and said the news to him. He cried a lot that I should have kept her happy for someday I have hurted her a lot. I love you meera... He was crying merra.. And I said you come with me let's go and see meera then he said no. Iam not comming I cannot see her in that way. Then I have gone then I received a call from his friend that I convinced to go him he was comming to see meera but he meet with an accident he died. I had gone to his house and seen him also.
That day was the really a worst day in my life as I lost my bestie and my jiju(friend boyfriend)
Hope that they both are happy in heaven.
Rest in peace