

After Dusk Ch-2: The Pack Meeting
Nathan's P.O.V.

I knelt down next to her, the scent of human blood in the air making me dizzy. Her head rested on my hand, the only movement in her showing that she was at least breathing.
I sighed. Amelia Winters. The shy new girl in our school, who had been staying here with Mike, that numb nut whom I say as my favourite punching bag. I hadn't paid much attention to her before, but she was a regular answerer in usually all the classes we had together. What the hell was she doing here? The answer was obvious-- she was being chased-- but why enter the woods, the place she would be the most unsure of?
I decided to call for help. I spoke into my phone for some certain people to come, and then sat down to pass my time till they came.
I felt an insatiable hunger (don't get me wrong, I'm not a half- breed) but this transformation usually made us ravenous. Burnt a lot of calories. Which was why being a werewolf was great. You could absolutely eat anything.
I tried to ignore the more tempting raw flesh to my primeval wolf senses and instead resorted to search Amelia's bag. The search wasn't completely useless... I found a packet of unopened Oreos. Wasn't all that good, but would do for the moment.
Sometime later, I saw four wolves bounding towards me, the ones that I'd called. They changed into their human forms a few metres from where I was standing. Four Sentinels and One Healer from our pack.
I crossed my arms across my chest. "What are you guys kept for?!?"
