

Verses Of two
Well it was morning
And the day just started
once it did the money
was on the table
get her
what why she doesn't have
anything to do with it
well this man wants her
an he hired us
ok I will get on it
So the man takes the orders
And dresses like a women
And he gets in the car
to get the lady and he
sees the lady then he says oh
He got a gun in his dress a rifle
Machine gun
Then the lady better be hid
cause I'm coming so he parked
the car and lays back in the
seat until she comes out the building
And he sits up
And h
jumps out of the car
And walks over to the lady
And says do you have a cellphone
Can I use yours
So he makes a call an talks to
The person on the other end
Really she gave him the phone
It's a team on the other end ready
to jump into action
Then a truck comes and takes her away
Then he takes the phone and puts it
in his car and drives off too
Then back at the house she's
there knocked out
the men sit and wait for her to wake up
once she does
the guy holds a box with a ring
And takes the ring from the box
Will you marry me
what and if I don't
Then we got a situation
Cause they want us to give you
to our boss
And I look a whole lot better
Then that guy
And got more money to
So what do you think
well from the looks of things
I don't really have a choice
But cause of all you have done
in your past have you changed
Well a little bit maybe
Hmm sounds like some what
Ok then it's a yes
But what about your boss
he bad man
we kill him
After the honeymoon baby yeah.
(To be continued)