

My Secret Diary 2
Today is my cousin bro 's birthday . well he is cool , there is just one thing I don't like about him . It's the the stupidest thing I ever heard from someone who I have known for or more than 12 to 14 days . He thinks he can beat me at pillow fight . ha ha haaaa ! I have beaten a 11th grader in pillow fight . And believe me, that was a strong player . I can beat him without a pillow , without a leg and without one of my arms . and I told him that clearly , well his reaction was.....

Good luck with that sis .

I have been the champion of pillow fight whether it's boy's pillow fight or girl's one . Yep . Well one thing I will tell you is that whenever I meat the brothers gang , I mean all my brothers there with me it's like I start acting like I am a guy and there is no difference in me and a guy . So that they don't think that I am all girly and frilly and wierd , well I mostly think that girls are wierd and I should have been a guy . my best friends always keep saying this : be a 7th grader , act like a girl , girl ! the most girly thing I ever have is when a guy says to me , do you even know about that ? , it's a guy thing . I really hate that moment when a guy says that to me . and u know i have learned one thing from all my experiences that whenever you dress like a guy or try to act like one or you try to make anyone think you are a guy ( I did this once with my friend ) then never repeat the words ' dude ' or ' yeah ' or ' chill ' or even ' man ' thousands of times . well you will sound like......
for eg.
the guy : hey give me that , I wanna see it
you acting like a guy : yeah ! . take it .... dude ! man ! you can see it . dude . chill ! cause I am a guy ! guys chill dude . here take it chill ! yeah , dude sure man .

it is wierd in reading it , think how wierd it would be in saying it .

girls are like : read books , study , love dancing and cooking , are polite and kind , aren't so good at sports .

guys : mischievous, hate reading , good at sports , hate studying and are like ' who cares man ? ' .

well many guys and girls aren't like that but many are or most are