

The magical Garden (chapter 4)
The next morning Mathew woke up. He ran downstairs to see what his sister is doing. He went to the kitchen but there was nobody there."Lilith? Where the hell are you?!". He runned to her room but nobody was there too. Then he went outside to search for her. "Lilith?". He found her in the garden. She looked at him scared."What are you doing here?!" he asked"Why do you care...?Why do you search for me...?" she replied looking straight on his eyes with a creepy look."Who told you I care-". He stopped there cause his sister's eyes were glowing white lights...She looked at him with this creepy look and he stepped back. Then Lilith passed out. Mathew called his dad. Lilith's dad was there in 3 hours."What happened...?" he asked."Lilith!Her eyes were glowing lights! She is not ok!".His father looked at him annoyed"IS THAT THE REASON I STOPPED MY JOB?! IS THAT THE HORRIBLE THING?! YOUR IMAGINATION?!". He runned away from the house and Lilith woke up."What happened...?"she asked."You just passed out. Why did you come here...?" "I was sleeping! I do not remember coming here!" "What...?! Stop telling lies to scare me!" "I am saying the truth...". Her brother did not talk about the glowing white eyes cause he was afraid Lilith would make fun of him and tell him he is imagining things just like what his father told him. So he kept silent and ran back in the house."How did I get here..?" Lilith thought. She stood up and started walking arround in the garden."I never explored this garden...Dad does not want us to leave the house too often...We stay locked inside...". Suddenly she heard again the voice. "Haha!Hehe!". She looked arround"Who talked...?". "You finally found the place!" "The...place...?". A man wearing grey clothes appeared in front of her. She had never seen this man. She looked at him very scared and confused at the same time."Who are you and how did you appear in front of me like that?!"
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