

143 "The Cabin Sessions: Bloody... Deer?" Part 4
She danced and frolicked about nonsensically in a sudden dream before opening her eyes, the tune that had serenaded her brain waves turned out to be the ringtone of her cell.

"Mhmm" she answered half-consciously

"Ruth, don't tell me you're still sleeping," Monte's voice creeped into her ear, with eyes wide opened she sat up straight and saw her messy haired reflection staring back at her through the mirror before her bed.

"No!" She yelled, "I was... brushing my teeth" she continued, also fixing her mouth to force a spit of air, perfecting her lie.

"Okay, are you sure you don't want us to travel together?" He asked.

"No, that's fine, I think it's best I drive my car and meet you there, seeing as I'm 'going on vacation' ...yeah?"

"Yeah, no you're right. So, uh, I'll meet you at the cabin in about two hours."

"Yes, Monte."

The truth is, Ruth couldn't have cared less if she drove or not, she just remembered how long she took to get ready and didn't want to have him wait. Montgomery took this opportunity to arrive at the cabin first, to make sure he was pleased with the preparations after hiring a whole team to beautify it in one day. When he arrived, one person was left on the premises, he watched her through the glass window in the front as she lit the candles around the interior as per his request. The woman heard the loud vehicle come to a stop and moved towards the door. When she opened it he was already on the other side.

"Mr. Langston, you're a wee bit early you are," the English woman said.

"Ahh, just making sure everything is in tip top shape." Monte answered in a mimic.

"Well I've finished my portion, the bath has been prepared to your specification, as with everything else."

Monte smiled at hearing, seeing and smelling the newly cleaned and decorated cabin.

"You guys sure are good at what you do, thanks so much for doing this on such short notice."

The woman smiled back and said, "thank you for you generosity, you're the one who paid triple my fee for me to move you up in the schedule."

She saw herself out and left Monte to the wooden structure. Anticipating Ruth's arrival, he paced back and forth repeatedly while helping himself to some whiskey, on the rocks in a beautiful diamond carafe. Dressed like the perfect host, Montgomery was clad in a pair of black trousers and suede dress shoes with rhinestone chromed pointy toes, topped with a simple white shirt and his watch to match. After what seemed like a considerable amount of time, the doctor showed up. The headlight from her red Prius shone in through the glass window and dazzled his eyes as he took the final sip from the carafe and moved hastily toward the door to meet her. The weather was overcast and the woods seemed to be somewhat dark although it was morning, they were expecting a short thunderstorm that morning to afternoon.

"Mr. Langston," she said smiling beneath her glasses.

"Doc, it's nice of you to finally show up. Right this way." He answered, taking her arm into his own and placing her bags a little distance away from the door as he closed it.

"I'm sorry, hear me out, I think maybe we should set some ground rules before we get too comfortable."

Monte grinned as he heard her suggestion, "ground rules she says, go on then."

"You said you had some decisions to make and you need counsel, which you generously paid for, I know what happened Saturday morning when you came to visit... and it was mindblowing... but I think we should take sex off the table for this little vacation."

"Well, see..." Monte responded as he gently released her arm, "that may be a problem, if sex is off the table then you probably should avoid going into the bathroom."

"Hmm?" An intrigued Ruth uttered, "the bathroom? Why? What did you do Monte?"

"Hmmmmmm, I guess we'll have to go see."

Pouring himself some more whiskey, he took up an already prepared bucket of ice with a bottle of Chardonnay chilling on top, and gestured at her with a slight head movement to follow him. Entering the bathroom, she gasped and covered her mouth in astonishment. The ceramic tub was almost filled to the brim with milk and honey, rose petals swam in the cold and laid bare on the floor as well. With the tub situated on a wooden podium, two small steps laid before it and a shower with glass doors a few feet away.

"Oh my God, this is beautiful.. I still can't believe this is the same cabin we saw the last time." She said, watching him smile as he too was impressed with himself.

"So, sex is off the table, huh?" Montgomery asked, being coy.

"Well, umm, I may have told a little fib"

Ruth walked up to the bathtub and turned around slowly facing him in the doorway still. She was wearing a silk baby blue dress with the laces tied in a bow before her.

"The reason I took so long to get here," she said, "is because I couldn't decide what to wear."

"I think you look beautiful, Ruth"

"Oh yeah? Thank you, I was more concerned with what's to go underneath though."

She pulled the lace slowly as the dress opened up and slid right off her, falling to the floor. Monte paused mid-sip of his drink, taking the carafe away from his lips he looked up and feasted his eyes on the beautiful black laced lingerie she posed in. He placed the carafe down and walked slowly towards her, while she stepped into the tub one leg at a time. On her knees, the milk and honey was like velvet all over her body and she wrapped her hair in a bun and removed her glasses while looking him dead in the eyes, he too began removing his clothes and as he was naked before her, his manhood grew. Ruth's eyes strayed from his, she looked at his dick and called him closer to her at the edge of the tub. Grabbing him and taking him into her mouth, Monte gripped the tub fiercely, hunching his back and curling his toes as he felt her tonsils on the tip of his member. After she finished, pleasing herself more than him, she used her finger to wipe away some drool from her cheek and said, "I never could see it without sucking it."

Pleading with him now to get inside the tub, he gave into her request and sat down as she climbed on top of him, gasping for air as she sat neatly. He leaned back and watched as her breasts bounced, calmly making waves of milk and honey. Rubbing his hand on her thighs and holding firmly on her hips they both moaned in ecstasy.

"Daddy," she cried, "oh fuck, I missed you"

"I missed you too," Monte answered as he fought to contain himself, silently pondering on whether it was the milk and honey, or her juices, that made his dick felt so good. He watched from the best point of view as she started getting into it, the bathwaters escaped the tub and splashed recklessly on the wooden floors as she screamed and told him she was having an orgasm. Her body shook ferociously as she slammed her head into his chest, shivering, he held her.
The thunderstorm started pouring down heavy rains on the earth outside and they stayed there and listened to the pitter patter.

"I love you, and... I love therapy," he whispered into her ear as they both laughed. Ruth snorted as she often would whenever he was around.

"Here," she said, reaching for the chardonnay, they indulged recklessly until their words were slurred, kissing with the wine on their hot breaths and then deciding to go to the shower to wash off the sweet flavored honey before taking it to the bedroom. Allowing Ruth to wash first, Monte sent her to the bed to wait for him.

When he got there, he found her laying on her tummy while scrolling on Twitter and laughing to herself. In her mind she knew she was teasing him, but surprised as he grabbed her by waist and pulled her to the edge of the bed.

"Let me see that arch," he whispered.

The scented candles in the room aided the mood, rubbing his hands on her ass cheeks he gets on his knees and sticks his face in. Biting the pillow beneath her and draping the sheets, her moans could be heard all over the cabin, he started hitting it from the back and every stroke was a reminder of how they used to be. Pulling her hair, grabbing her by the throat and pounding her even harder, her eyes were filled with tears of joy and her cunt dripping as her juices gushed out with each stroke. Monte grunted like an animal, unable to hold back from the wetness of her deepest core, he said "I'm gonna.."

"Yes!" Cutting him off, Ruth expressed how they should come together, before long, she felt him fall down on her back and hugging her tightly from behind as he filled her with his own milk. Monte rolled over and she laid on his bare chest, both panting relentlessly and now realizing that the wine had their vision all the way fucked up. They stayed there together for the next hour.

By midday the rain had stopped and they found themselves binging their favorite Netflix series, while Monte cooked. Evening came even quicker when a few episodes had passed and suddenly Monte's countenance had fallen. Ruth watched as he slowly began to get more antsy and unsettled.

"Why so gloomy?" She asked.

"I just remembered there's something I have to do, I'm gonna have to go out for a bit." He replied monotonously.

"What, now?" She inquired being concerned.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, it won't be long, I'll be gone for just about an hour"

Not entirely disappointed, she agrees and tells him she'll be waiting for him. It was almost 7:00pm and Monte went back to the shower to quickly freshen up for the road. While he was in there, she went outside for a smoke, barely coming to terms with her eventful week. She sat on the hood of his BMW like she did the first time and lit her cigarette, inhaling, and then releasing all the remnants of her troubled mind. She was at peace until a fly landed on her nose, and repeatedly flying near her face making her irritated again.

"Ugh!" She exclaimed, deciding to go back into the cabin, but as she got up she noticed a soft buzzing sound, and followed it instead. She walked around in circles until she realized the sound was coming from flies circling around the trunk of his car.

"What the hell," she thought out loud, and then noticing a bit of blood on the bumper that almost blended with the purple paint. She tried to open the trunk but the car was locked, and then she heard his voice as he stood at the doorway.

"I'm sorry about that, it's a deer, one of the cleaning crew accidentally ran him over today. I'm gonna have it buried before I get back." He said with a smile.

"Oh, poor deer." She answered, Monte walked down to the car, kissed her forehead and told her to wait inside for him.

"I won't be too long, doc" were his last words as he drove away into the dark woods. Ruth stood there watching him drive away, and she knew that he had lied about something. Being a professional psychologist, she had learned to pick up on a person's physical changes when they lied. For Monte, he could always look her in the eyes when he spoke to her except when it was a fib. So she made a decision that would alter the course of their week together, she got in her car and followed behind him. With her headlights off, she tarried far enough behind him so that she could see where and where he would turn, and stayed on his tail.

"What are you up to, Montgomery?" She pondered, she wondered about the deer, if it really happened as he said.. or was it something else that he was hiding, either way, she was determined to play the detective that night.

"Shit, where'd you go..."

Struggling to see the road, she turned on the headlights and came upon a hill, which when she drove around it she came to a valley and saw the bmw in the middle of a field below her.

"I can't see Jack shit from here, I've gotta get closer."

She decided to park the Prius, and go it by foot so as not to alert Monte. When she got close enough, she hid herself behind a tree a little way off and crouched. For several minutes she watched him as he built himself something in the likeness of a bon fire that only needed to be lit. Monte walked around and opened his trunk.

"He's gonna burn it?..." she said to herself softly, but to her surprise it was no deer when he proceeded to take the body from the car. She could smell the stench from the partially decomposed corpse.

"Oh my God," she uttered, the body was wrapped mostly in plastic as she watched him throw it over his shoulder and moved toward the bon fire. By this she figured out that it was a person, and to her surprise, when she saw the hair sticking out and a piece of garment, although covered in blood, she recognized it.

"That shirt... that's what Caitie had on yesterday..what the fuck, Monte..."

Ruth started panicking and as he was about to light the fire she let out a strained cry which caught his attention.

© kxng.auteur