

An Ode To The Isolation

Travelling at a pace unmatched,
Yet unaware when or rather why the egg will be hatched!
Strange it may sound, but that's the way life was,
Perfectly planned to the T, yet unaware of the exact cause!

And suddenly one day, it came to a standstill,
Making the once free bird, digest the bitter lockdown pill.
Lost were the freedom to roam the streets,
And denied were the pleasures of, even simple, meet and greet!

Unaware of the pleasures of home, we cursed the time,
Before slowly unearthing our talents and matching the rhyme!
Time passed and erased the pains for sure,
But still unaware we were of the freedom and health, we allure!

Slowly we were accustomed to this new life's pace,
Putting on a veil, to cover our nose and face.
Surely it wasn't what we planned our life to be,
Still it was better sight than Lockdown, everyone agree!

The trauma of close doors did hurt our freedom,
Thanks to the video streaming platforms, for killing our boredom!
Bugged down we were at the sight of uncovered faces,
Quick to curse them while running to secured places.

Slowly, but surely we hit adjusted to the new life's way,
Even if it meant, to sacrifice our own convienent ways.
It was perhaps a habit to safety to stay isolated,
As it made us lead our life taking risks calculated!

©️ Sunny Chajjedh
Name: Arpit Jain

© profoundwriters