

What if tomorrow never comes
We must cherish our loved ones. Tell them how much you love them today, don't wait for tomorrow. I have realised that life and death is inevitable.

My dad brightened my world. He was my everything. He told me once, a year after he passed away, that I must come more often for holidays, because what if tomorrow never comes. He actually told me his time on earth may be up soon because his old now but little had I realised that what he was saying was like a preminition. He knew his time was near to be with the Lord Jesus Christ.

So prior to him passing away, I used to tell him I love him so much. I never waited before it was too late. I learnt a lot from my dad and that was not too let sickness hinder one from achieving ones dreams since he suffered with depression.

My dad was the owner of the best aluminium company in kwa zulu natal. He loved life. He had so much of passion for doing his work. I also suffer with depression and my dad always encouraged me to achieve my dreams no matter what.

Three years had now passed since my dads passing away. He has left footprints in my heart that will never be erased. He has taught me to never give up. To love life. He has taught me to enjoy life because life is short. My dad also taught me that it's not how much you have achieved in life that makes a difference but it's who you are on the inside. It's how many lives you have touched. Its how you make a difference in the lives of others that matter.

My dad lived his life as a legacy that will be passed on to the next generation. I will never forget him and the special moments we have shared together.

My advice to you is tell your loved ones how much they mean to you today, don't wait for tomorrow, for what if tomorrow never comes!