

Daisy's diaries
*Chapter one * I and my parents were lead into a luxurious car,and you would have to know this luxurious car was owned by my parents. Let me introduce myself first, my name is Daisy Collins Mashall. And I come from a Rich and respectable family we were the Collins.I was homeschooled from the time I was born till now but I decided to change my ways and enter into a real Elite school so I could experience school life like how some of my cousins bragged about how school life was fun and I didn't want to miss it so we had moved here it wasn't only because of my schooling but also my family's business.I had a big brother but he was now focussing on his education.So I was Left alone in the house with no friends . That's also the reason I wanted to get to know the outside world. But you are going to know more about me later diary.
We had already reached the mansion I had entered my room to arrange my stuff.My stuff were small cause I brought only some important things ,I knew we were going to shop later so..
As always I ate supper with my parents while talking about the new school I was going to be addmitted in.And thier high standards and improvements by the years. I had already done my entrance examinations online so I had no problems.What I had to do now was to collect my books uniforms and other things.
After supper my parents were having a conversation so I went upstairs and decided to watch Netflix and chill.So I had taken some snacks and a drink from the kitchen.And started watching this new series.Which I had been waiting for since.
Suddenly I felt like sleeping I had already taken my bath before supper so I slept like a baby.