

A letter...
Relationship is just like the ship sailing through an ocean, just like ocean relationship too faces the storms and peaceful waters. But the true strength of the boat and courage of the people handling the boat, comes out in the difficult times during the storm.

Relationships were never easy and it never will be, just like the balance of boat which make it sail through the oceans relationships must have the balance of Anger, love, trust, belive and stubborness.

Not all the relationships have these qualities, relationship requires efforts from both not from one.

I never believed in short term relationships, I don't want them in my life I see it as a disgrace to the word..I always wanted to be in long term commitment because I see them as a potential to shape the future of both ..
I never wanted any fancy things from the relationship too...I just wanted a person who only have a true and honest heart...nothing else...and I got that person too...but soon I realised a person so honest in nature also say harsh words, that's okay sometimes it's good...But saying those things to me and saying such things to others may create problems, I do understand your nature but the other will never understand you....

Despite, me giving my whole self,
I am accused to be the reason for all your life problems, Giving you the right advice always made me fear of your wrath, but despite knowing this I always gave you to the right advice, Since beginning I wanted you to grow first I wanted you to be ahead of me.

I do know, you being a girl always faced the Hypocrisy of the society but I never treated you as such I never said you are weak for this, I always tried to encourage you.
The life of girls was never too easy but what you want? do you want to change it or you want to go where the flow goes?

I tried to be the best of me for you, the way you wanted me the way to imagine me, I always tried to keep you happy, I didn't want you to shed tears, but that's my unfortunate life you shed tears.

I never wanted you to be weak even for me, but I was always there for you when you felt weak...Was I wrong? I guess not.

I poured my heart out for you, I pledged to never hide anything from you, yes one time I made the mistake I still feel guilty for that, but you don't see it too....

We want to marry but for that I have to stand on my feet, I tried and still trying, I never wanted you character to be assassinated...I never wish for anything wrong to happen to you...but despite my all the efforts I wasn't able to stop it..

I tried to talk to you about it, I tried confront you because whenever something happens to us sometimes it's our fault and sometimes it's not...
Listening and understanding is the key to be a great and successful leader, was it wrong to wish this for you...

After all this, I never blamed you for anything and never will.
I failed you I failed my self and I failed this relationship..

All beautiful things may sometimes comes to an end...I never wanted this to end because it was the most beautiful thing happened to me..but I am unable to bear the pain you are facing because of me, I don't want you to ever shed tears because of me, I never want you to stop at anytime for me, You are the fantastic partner anyone could wish for.....I don't know what to say anymore I don't want you to go i even don't want to suffer because of me...

I guess I must go myslef making it easy for you to grow, I won't be coming back....

I am sorry I was harsh to you,I am sorry I said some harsh words to you but please understand I am not your enemy I just wished you to grow and succeed in life...

#lifeismeaningfull #LifeQuote #lifeadvice #Truth #philosoohy #confusedchoices
© Tejaksh...