

Save me...
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.There was no place I could run to or hide.

"You can't hide forever my dear." A familiar deep voice sounded.He walked slowly to where I was.I tried crying for help but fear had tied down my voice.

"Don't worry darling. I won't hurt you.You're mine and I will never allow you marry that man." Mr S said with a smirk.

He brought out a knife and looked at me intensely. "It is either you're mine or we stay together in death."

My heart pounded faster."Is this how I would end? My groom promised to always save me.Was it a lie?" I thought silently and closed my eyes.

The piercing of the knife would hurt less if I can't see the person I had given my all to over these years turn against me.

"Don't you dare touch her!" A calm,soothing voice say.

He came for me! My groom came for me! Hope and joy glittered in my eyes as I saw him coming closer to where I was.
"She is mine! You snatched her from me!" Mr S shouted tightening his grip on my wrist.

"No.She has always been mine.No matter how many times you try drawing her close to you, I will always come looking for her."
"Never!" Mr S charged at my groom.My groom fought Mr S and defeated him.

He walked to where I stood -I was still in shock .
"Beloved,you're safe now.As long you stay here,I will heal your pain completely,I will forever be your doctor." He held me closer and I felt safe again.

#Writco #love #pain #loveofchrist #Writcochallenge