

The Glitch Virus Chapter 3
Hello, I'm back. this is day 15 of the glitch virus. This strange virus had taken 157 more victims. There were also a few more emergency broadcasts that I need to document. The first one was on day 11. "We have interrupted this show for an emergency broadcast. We have gathered more information on the glitch Virus. This strange new virus had claimed 30 more Victims. We have also discovered that those who die from this virus leave a marker that says 'DEAD'. this marker appears were the victim died. It staystays at the place of death for 24 hours. then disappears. So there may be more than 30 victims. Please refrain from coming into contact with other people. That's all for today." This really freaked me out, and then day 12 came around. I was out buying groceries, when a man next to me started to freak out. for a second I thought he was having a seizure, and I rushed to his side. I almost touched him when he started to glitch. after a few seconds, he was gone, and a read 'DEAD' appeared were he died. I backed away, mortified. I just watched someone die. And I almost touched him. a few other shoppers came around the corner and saw the marker. they stopped in their tracktracks and processed what must have happened. I notified the manager about what happened and I called the police. I'm slowly getting over the event, but I'm still a bit scarred. On day 13 the 2nd emergency broadcast came on. "We have interrupted this show for another emergency broadcast about the Glitch Virus. police and civilians have found 57 more red markers. The government have taken notice about the events that have been occurring in the past month, and are starting to take action. They are going to make an official rule to stay away from other humans soon. That is all for today." On day 14 the third emergency broadcast came on "We have interrupted this show for another emergency broadcast about the Glitch Virus. Another 80 markers have been found. We have also discovered something else. The Glitch Virus has seemed to be affecting animals too. Yesterday a woman had a friend over, and the friends witnessed the woman blotch away, then say her dog glitch soon after. As most of you know, a social distancing act had been placed on Chicago. Everyone must stay at least 4 feet away from each other. The Virus has quickly been spreading to places such as Peoria and Champaign as well. That's all for today." 157 fatalities, the number grows larger every day. No symptoms, no cure. That's all for day 15, I'll report again soon.