

My Precious One,

THIS IS THE TRUTH: You have My favor and the favor of men. And you're daily growing in it. My favor surrounds you continually like a shield.

However, this does not mean that the weapon of rejection will not be formed against you. It will. But I will use it for your good and tremendous glory will be the outcome for you. In this way, it will not succeed.

You ask, 'how can rejection work for me?' Watch anyone I walked with in My Word that I allowed to go through rejection. It ALWAYS resulted in their promotion. The rejection pushed them upwards, propelled them forward and resulted in their elevation.

And something else, sometimes I allow you to be rejected for your own protection. It is for your good! You are highly favored!

Rejection being released against you doesn't change who you are. You are accepted, continually growing in the favor of God and man and this favor surrounds you like a shield. Reject the lie of the enemy!