

An angel fallen from heaven due to a war. The war was between angels and demons. The demons wanted some boxes that contains some crystals. The crystals were in two boxes, five in each box. The power of the crystals cannot be explained. If you combine the two together, that power can defect anyone who comes your way. The demons wanted to rule over heaven and the universe and with the help of the crystals, they can do that. During the war the angels were out numbered so the alpha team swore that they would give their lives to protect the crystals. The alpha team had their special power that and with the help of the crystals they would be powerful and stronger, but they were advised not to use them by God. As the demons came closer, the commander went to protect has team but he was injured then God came in and created a way for them to leave with the crystals. But they got lost in the Galaxies, but the commander landed on Earth with the boxes but one swayed and landed somewhere not to be seen again. As the commander landed he was seen by a woman who she sent him home for treatment because of his injury. As he got well he had to take the form of a human to be hidden. Some months later as he had learnt the ways of human, he assembled has team to come to earth. They came to earth and also picked the human man form. After some time they moved to different part of the world to explore and also learn their ways of living. Six years later, God gave them some books which explains there true power, the power of the crystals and also locate them even when they are lost. After some time they all moved into the some neighborhood but they were married and gad kids each. As they gave birth to their children they had wings and Ash and white eyes like their dads. Their parents special powers was in them but in a different way. The special powers of their parents where lighting, fire, ice, and the ability to control the wind and also the ability to control metal. As they were growing there powers where hidden by their parents. Many people started to call their children devil's sent from hell and another were laughing at them. But they did not listen to what people said and try sending them to school to have some time with the books given to them by God. In school the kids had hard time with the other kids some bullied them, some where making fun of them, so they decided to be together. They did everything together, played together, visited each other, even slept in each other houses. On one summer holiday the commander's came across the book of the angels, he said reading it. He sent the book to has room and reiifhd a part that unlocked his wings which came out destroying things in has room but he hid it again. He continued with the book, he learnt more about the book overnight. The stories in the books are not complete each story ends In the other books so the commander's told his friends about the book and they had the books, they learnt together. As the days went by they where acquiring more knowledge about the books and their power and the way to use them. So one day they went out to the Riverside to try what they've learnt from the book, as they were trying to fly there parents noticed that they were at the Riverside. After seeing that their parents were ready to tell them what they are and how they came to earth. Heaven was a peaceful place, then the demons came to heaven looking for the crystals. The demons discovered that the power of the crystals can rule over heaven and the universe. So they went to heaven to get the crystals and that started the war in heaven. But the alpha team were about to leave with the crystals and got lost in the Galaxies, the commander landed on Earth with the crystals but one landed somewhere. The commander later assembled has team to come to earth. But the book given to them by God was just a small part of every story in the books. The books didn't tell how it come, where it came from and why the demons wanted it badly. The only thing they know is that the demons wanted to rule over heaven and the universe. As their kids knew how their parents got to earth they decided that they would go in search of the full crystals. The map to the crystals can be located with the book and the map comes out at night. As they started their journey they defected some creatures on their way they had more training before getting to the top of the mountain. The crystals were lost in a temple on top of the mountain. Finally they got the crystals and joined them together. The commander and the other angels agreed to give the crystals to their kids. They believe that they were ready to face the battle ahead. As they gave the crystals to their kids it fused into their DNA making them unstoppable. But it was left with one thing the swords of the angels, with the swords of the angels they would be completed. The swords of the angels are legendary swords that was made and blessed by God. The swords can be found in the castle were God lives it is locked up in a secret place. So as they went to heaven they saw that the demons were all over the place. The other angels left in heaven were imprisoned other were put to salary waiting for their freedom. And before you can get the swords you have to say the prime's words and the prime's words was between God and the alpha team. They were able to get the swords as they were leaving they left with some few angels to earth and reassemble. The alpha team and the help of the other angels they were able to teach their kids how to use the swords in combination with their powers. After some time there parents noticed that they were ready for the battle. As they reassembled they had hope that what was lost would be found again and free there people. And truly the angels were victorious.