

Zombies And The Honeybees (pt 2)
(Vianne's point of view) After I herd the words that came out of Rileys mouth my heart sank, in an effert to try and lighten I laugh and call Riley a lier but the look she gave me told me that she wasn't joking around anymore. Kati said that we should go back to the bathroom so they could talk about what to do, but hayden said that we should board up the school so the infected people wouldn't get in. We were split into two groups me, Kati, and Riley went around finding anything we could to block the door while Abby and Hayden stayed in the bathroom in an effert to not be seen. (Abby's point of view) It took awhile for the other three to get back but in the time that they were gone we took the paper towels got them wet and put them on the windows so no one could see in. After we finished that the others came in with their backpacks, they emptyed them out and kept the stuff they think they will need while also look to see if they had anything they could use has a wepond, even though Riley had her pocket knife we knew that we would need more if we wanted to be safe. (Kati's point of view) After we were done going through are things we decided that we would make a trip to the cafeteria to try and find food, we all had water bottles that we filled with water and we even grabed other kids water bottle that were somewhat clean so we could have extra water. We made are way to the cafeteria to see if we could find something that didn't require a fridge or a microway, we got as much as we could in are bags and started to make are way to the gym to try and find anything we could use. Abby manged to find a couple of baseball bats that the school baseball team used, now all five of us had wepond even though Riley had her pocket knife she still took a baseball bat. (Haydens point of view) It was starting to get late so we went back into the bathroom to try and get some rest, I put my head down on a couple of paper towels that were in the depenser and tryed to get some sleep. I woke up about two hours later to see Riley still awake, but when I looked at her face I knew something was off, Riley was the playful leader of are little friend group and she always had a smile on her face but when I looked at her face it just look so empty. Then she turned her head to look at the other girls I had put my head back on the towel because I didn't want her knowing I was still awake, when she thought everyone was asleep she stood up grabed her bat and started making her way into the hallway. I wake up Kati and tell her whats happening, togeather we follow her and try not to get caught. (Katis point of view) I don't know whats going on all I know is Riley suddenly left the bathroom and know me and Hayden are following her, Riley turns the corner and stops in the middle of the hallway I stop walking after seeing that she had stop when hayden from behind bumped into me, Riley whips her head around but I manged to keep us hidden. All the sudden Riley started kicking a locker, she kicked and kicked and kicked until it burst open, Riley walks over to the locker and takes what inside and puts it in her pocket, It's too small so we can't see what it is then she starts making her way back to the bathroom, at that moment me and hayden take off and try to get to the bathoom as fast as possible trying not to get caught. We make it back to the bathroom and get into the same positions as before when Riley comes in. After awhile Rileys goes to bed with us following soon after.

© Julia storymaker