

You're my dream come true
I went blank ,I couldn't hear the siren of ambulance nor was I able to see anyone surrounded around the ambulance all I could see was blood of the person whom I love , he was drenched in blood and was struggling to breath . I have cried and cried , I couldn't stop the tears and I couldn't do anything for him .I've never wished for anything in all these 20 years , I wanted him back safe and sound , I wanted see his smile .I was afraid as every second passed by I was afraid of losing him ."why .....why did you have to go and protect me . I was the one who was supposed to hit by the truck . please don't die ."I kept begging holding his hand ,I couldn't keep my voice stable ,tears won't stop , I didn't want to lose hope .
The fact that I can't do anything for him even though he protected me every time and even now and even when I was a kid .we were neighbors , my parents got divorced my brother went with my father and I was with my mother , I wanted us to stay together or at the very least I didn't wanted to separated from my brother . But he had everything I ever wanted . I envyed him ,I couldn't help but get jealous of him , he could live with his brother , his family was happy and always have fun talk , his mom is a friendly person. but my mom wouldn't even look at me and she never eats anything in home , she never talks with me it's like I am a stone to her , to put it more precisely I was one of the walls in the house for her.
but he was in a whole different world then me , I was jealous of him that's why I've always pushed him away but no matter how many times he'd still come back .And that one time when I was bullied by my classmates he helped , he came in front of me and took hit by a bat .That's the first time we talked , even though he got hurted as badly as I did, he still held out his hand for ,
"let's go home together"
"I don't need your help "
"I know but I need your help , won't you help me "
"whatever let's go home ",I was ashamed of myself , I was jealous of him and never let him get near me ,always letting my anger on him but still he helped .I couldn't look him in the eye . we reached home without uttering a word .
"let me banded your wounded"
"I don't need your help"
"really, but your messing it up "
"let me do it ". he took my hand gently and banded it .no one's ever been so nice to me .I was really glad , I talked with him , I am glad that incident happen and I got to know him.
After that we have always been together and little by little as the time passed I've fallen in love with him .
"hey, it's already been a month you still didn't wake up ".In that accident he did survived but he went into comma .
"you know I never said it out but thank you very much for that day and ...I know you can't hear me but still it's so hard to say it out loud .I have always loved you and wanted to stay by your side forever , ... its so embarrassing will you marry me "
"I'd be glad,ummm-hmm I'd love to marry you"
"wha............t, your awake , when did you wake up " I covered my face with hands I didn't know he was listening but I was happy , I couldn't even express in words how much happy I am .
"I just got to my sense in this morning but I never thought you would be the one to say, what a waste I brought a ring to propose you that "
I couldn't hold my tears , he woke up and he's talking with ,it felt as if that incident didn't happen at all.
"why are you crying "
" I am just so happy .....you know you didn't say it "
"hmm mm.. say what "
here he goes grinning like that but I missed it , I missed him a lot.
"say I love you"
"love you too"
"huh , say it "
"ok,my dear little shrimp ,here it goes
in your pain and joy
in your success and failure
I'll always support you
and no matter what
believe me when I say
I believe you ,
so will you become from
Miss Nash to Misses Wiley"