

burning passion
there was a king by the name of Levi who was feared by all, he didn't have a warm heart, his heart was cold and evil, he did what he like when he wants and no one could get in his way, there was a farmer who lived out in the jungle he made medicine from hurbs, he had a beautiful daughter by the name of sora, she was very hard working, one evening as she was on the woods picking hurbs with her dad the evil king was passing in his carage, them suddenly his eyes saw the most beautiful angel, he wondered if his eyes was deceving him, until he ask his guard to call her, her dad's name is Mike hurbs people say because of his name he was bond to study and care for others, he saw that it was the king, he was Afraid for his daughter because the king was cold and evil, the king said to Mike " I didn't know you had such a lovely daughter, lovely to be my bride, put her in the carage, the king demand, Mike plead to the king not to take his daughter, she was all he had left after her mom passing, sora didn't put up a fight because the king would have them both killed, she looked at her dad and say I will see you later father, her dad stood with tears and fear in his eyes, after they reach the palace, he told her anything she wanted he would give her, so she replied I want to go home to my dad he needs my help, that made the king very mad, so he locked her in a room and asked his guards to watch her. After 4 hours locked in a room she was before the king again and he said anything you need I will give it to you, she replied my father, the king knew she would not stop no matter what so he said he will have him stay in the palace and work ,continue to do his hurbs, the guards look at him from the corner of their eyes ,he was cold and evil but this beautiful young woman was making him soft, he then asked her if she was hungry her eyes met his, he had brown eyes full lips and a look that was so powerful, even tho she is there because he force her he didn't have to force her for anything else, his voice was so strong and rough but his eyes were calm and smooth, it was bedtime as she got dressed her door open and in came the king she hurry to cover up his eyes was on her head down to her toes, he whispered i will be your husband soon no need to cover up, his eyes on her, she reply you will not share this room with me because I am not married and you show yourself out!!! her voice echoed through the palace like a mighty raor, in all his life he was never spoken to like that he walked slowly towards her held her shoulder with a strong grip, he replied, if my heart was not beating with desire for you, I would watch your life less body burn!!!! she jumped his voice dark and cold made her saced he said I don't like that night gown take it off I have put one out for you, he left but in his heart he felt as if he should have teach her a lesson he was king not anyone for her to talk to like that, sora mind was on her dad she wondered if he was ok, that night as she fell asleep she had a dream so clear and real, the king came to her room and he held her as she tries to fight he was too strong for her as he kissed her holding her hands about her head, he whispered, you are mine give yourself to me, he went Lower to her neck, lower he went, she could not fight it anymore her knees was getting weak her body shivering, screaming to be pleased, he knew where to touch what to do, arch her body to press on his chest, he could not hold it together anymore he wanted to be where the softness is, he wanted her to melt beneath him , she felt how hard is body was her body explodes, just as he reach down with one hand lifting her night gown, she started to breathe heavy gasping for air he looked deep in her eyes, she begged to be touched she wanted more just as he let go her hand that was pinned to the wall she use that hand to pulled his head in for a kiss, how could someone so cold, someone so evil, love her, please her, make her body shake from pleasure, he had self control because he wanted her in ways that wasn't humanly possible, he lift her and bring her to the bed he took his shirt off her eyes looked on his chest, passion desire Burns in her every touch made her shake even more as he bend down the her a kiss he lifted her night gown, and he feels for the softness beneath. her eyes open only to find the king looking at her smiling, a good dream my love he whispered, with a grin on his face,she taught he was in her dreams what kind of man is he , a dream so real, she felt every touch. she lay down looking up at the painting, on the wall breathing heavy because she didn't know what happened.

to be continued ❤️❤️❤️