

The beginning
His legs were shaking when he walked to the main building of National center for virology. It was really unusual for the cctv cameras in his security cabin going offline all of a sudden. He checked his watch. Already midnight and the staffs are already long gone . It's really cold outside since it's the Christmas week the center will not be open for 4 days. His buddy Jacob also didn't show up for duty today. He called Jacob several times but he was not picking the phone at all. What can happen in a place like this. He always wonder what kind of activity are those white coat geeks are doing inside.
Thinking about that he reached the main entrance and swiped his card. Only staffs and security had the key card, not only that the lab access is controlled by biometric scanners. He entered and went to the cctv control room. Once he opened the door he was shocked, the monitors were switched off by someone and the server cables were disconnected. His right hand instinctively went to the sidearm and he rushed to the alarm. But before anything he could do he heard a large thud sound and he fell face down to the granite floor. His blood was oozing from back of his head but he couldn't feel any pain nor he could move. All he saw a black shadow like figure moving in front of him before everything went dark.
(to be continued..)