

The Death of Ignorance
Here lived a boy named MIKE. In small he was good in studies but later his friends forced him to do this, do that, and his studies were no more ok. He eventually learned slanks but was in control. When he grew older and older it was out of control. He even gave to his parents and teachers. He doesn't want to give, but how he learned it that in each and every sentence a slank was there. In between he made it in control. His studies, his parents also doesn't like him. People living there, his friends, and others stop talking to him. He was in 10th, just 3 months far from board finals. He decided to study and make a fame on his name. That happened but how much his slanks will effect him he didn't know. In his result day he was admitted in hospital, do you know why. his results, he was passed but with 50%. He decided to study however he can and give a good result in 12th board. The exams arrived and he studied very hard, his parents were also happy. The results were declared and again 50%. He got sad and left the home. 3rd day he met his parents. MIKE tried to run but the truck thrashed him. He was admitted in hospital. One day a phone call came they said that MIKE has passed by 80%, they got happy. Unlucky MIKE he was dead by that time.
So I want to tell everyone. don't ignore a person whom you don't like or his behaviour is not good but try your best to improve him/her.