

My Native Wolf... Part 3
“I’ll see you then. Don’t fight your wolf to hard brother, you know you won’t win.” My head spins with everything they’ve said. Mating scent? Does that mean Levi is my mate, but he hates me. Is that why he is so mean, he doesn’t want to like me?
My thoughts are interrupted by a sharp knock from the other side of the door.
“What do you want?” Levi’s deep throaty laugh makes my legs tremble,
“I have your clothes… But if you don’t want them I’ll take them back to the couch.” Pulling the door open quickly I hide behind it,
“I want them!” Levi hands over a small bundle before walking away. That was to easy, to painless, he’s up to something. Closing the door I bite my cheek to keep from swearing out loud. Levi brought me my short sleep shorts and my tank top with no bra or underwear. That good for something jerk! What, he didn’t get a good enough eye full that he has to see me in my skimpy pajamas? My breasts are way too big to be braless.
Grumping silently as I get dressed I stalk out of the bathroom and stop dead in my tracks. Levi waited for me to come out in all of his topless glory. My body heats up against my will under his gaze and he has the audacity to smile.
“Well at least someone’s glad to see me.” Huh? Following his gaze I see my nipples are hard and extremely noticeable through my thin shirt. Horrified, I cover myself and walk quickly to the living room. I really wish he would stop making cracks about my body. Finding my huge sweatshirt that says, “Normal people scare me” I pull it on and pull up the hood. I hear Levi as he enters the room behind me.
“If it’s not too much to ask, could you please stop making cracks about how I look. I know I’m not miss physically fit. I can’t run a mile, my thighs touch and I have big boobs and a rounded tummy but I don’t need to be constantly reminded that you don’t like it ok? … Also now that we’re talking about it, if you despise me so much I can ask Yanto to take me on my journey. He comes on pretty strong but at least he’s nice to me.” Levi growls behind me so I turn to look at him. He looks angry again, surprise, surprise.
“You won’t be going anywhere with Yanto, I have no desire to kill my best friend. If he lays another hand on you I’ll break it off, your mi… I mean… Gia give me strength! You are an infuriating woman! My comment when you came out of the bathroom wasn’t meant to insult you Clover. You act like every man that sees you hates what they see and you couldn’t be more wrong.” Glaring at him,
“No, just you. You’ve been a damned jerk from day one! Now you’re trying to be nice and then you lash out at me again like you did earlier. What am I supposed to think? It seems like you’re just trying to get into my pants. Well let me tell you now, just because you’re a tall sexy long haired tattooed shirtless and muscled Native American man doesn’t mean I’m going to let you make me another forgotten notch on your bedpost.” I expect his angry retort only this time his face softens.
“Did someone do that to you?” Looking away from him the reason I left Illinois rears its ugly head. Samuel Von Threadon… Used his superman powers to make me think he really wanted me. Well a recorded video of an explicit sex act and an internet upload had me running for the hills. The comments they made about me…
Shivering I can’t bring myself to look up at him.

She’s hurting, and hurting bad. I want to make things better between us but after this little tidbit of knowledge she’ll never believe me.
“Yes, but I don’t want to talk about it.” Some jerk had the audacity to use her and destroy how she sees herself.
“Then we won’t talk about it, I’ve got a surprise for you though… more of a peace offering for the remark I made early. It was cruel and uncalled for. I want us to go back to our normal dislike of each other with our banter hinted with a sexual undertone. I was setting it up while you showered and the Yanto incident occurred. Are you interested in such a peace offering?” Her shoulders slump,
“You haven’t said what the offering is yet so I can’t give you a definitive yes but I like the idea of going back… Little Foot.” Shaking my head I can’t hold back my snort,
“Good I’m glad we have ourselves a deal… White Woman… Follow me.” Turning I head for the back door.
“It’s not dark yet but it’s getting there. Do you like steak?” Holding open the back door she walks ahead of me.
“Yes, I do… Medium rare actually.” Damn, a girl after my own heart. .. I can’t figure out my anger towards her not being full native… Maybe it has to do with the things I’ve seen her people do to mine, which seems kind of childish since she didn’t do any of them.
“Have a seat, I’ll light the fire.”

I don’t know what’s come over him or why he is being so nice but I can play along for now. Sitting quietly I watch as he moves with such fluidity. Lighting the fire, throwing on the steaks and then small potatoes. He has something else hidden in a bag but I can’t see it clearly in the growing darkness.
Fanning myself I’m starting to boil in my sweatshirt. Levi looks up from across the fire and I catch myself starting to pant.
“If you’re too hot you should take that huge thing off… It’s only close to 85 degrees out here.” I shake my head at him,
“Not unless I go change…” Levi laughs,
“It’s too dark to see any details now, go on take it off white woman… Live dangerously.” I throw a small twig at him while he wiggles his eyebrows at me.
“You’re aim is terrible!” 3 minutes away from a heat stroke I take off the sweat shirt and sigh happily. It feels so good, now I hope the sweat will go away.

Close to an hour later I’m fully fed and getting sleepy.
“Now for the peace offering.” I watch as Levi pulls out the bag he’s been hiding and dumps the contents on the ground… oh my… S’MORES!! How does he know those are my favorite?
“Your peace offering after commenting on my looks is to feed me sweets?” Even in the darkness I see dawning in his eyes at how it could be taken wrong and his shoulders slump. I can tell he’s about to comment when I jump up and grab the stuff from his hands.
“It’s rude and cruel… These are my favorite… I’m still mad at you… Help me roast the marshmallows.” Glaring at him in fun he shakes his head trying to hide a smile.
“The skewers are over here, let me get them.”

The s’mores went over without a hitch and not much conversation. The fact that he actually went out of his way to do something so kind won’t be so easily forgotten. Yawning loudly,
“It’s been a long day, where am I going to sleep tonight?” Climbing to my feet I keep my backside pointed to the forest while trying to keep my cleavage covered. All in all standing up looked pretty awkward.
“I have a second room, it only has a futon couch in it. That or you can sleep on the actual couch it’s up to you.” Knowing his friends don’t announce themselves before entering I’m probably safer in the bedroom behind a closed door.
“I’ll sleep in the bedroom. I don’t need to meet anymore of your friends unexpectedly.” I follow Levi inside and gather up my things.
“My room is next to where you will be sleeping. None of my rooms have doors so if that bothers you the tub is available.” The room is obviously hardly ever used. Tools line the wall on the floor, a few clothes left here and there but what gets me in the giant deer head on the wall over my bed.
“Oh my God tell me that can come off the wall!” Levi laughs before walking back out of the room.
“Nope, he’s mounted, sleep well.” Staring at his retreating back in disbelief I grab the pillow and blanket before retreating back to the living room. I will not sleep beneath a dead animal carcass!
Normally at home I would be sprawled out, I want to trust Levi but I won’t let myself. The jerks made it clear he is bi-polar.

I never thought the deer head would have bothered her that much. THe buck was my first take down at 13. I shouldn’t have been surprised when she flew past my room in a huf carrying the bed linens. Point for me though that she didn’t lock herself in the bathroom. Usually I fall asleep pretty easily but tonight I’m in shambles. My wolf is clawing at my insides but I refuse to go crawling to her side. I’m not some whipped pup.
The night is perfect for a run but with all that’s happening I can’t leave her alone. Do i honestly think someone would be daring enough to attack my home? No, but that flimsy excuse won’t satisfy my wolf. Her scent of freshly churned earth and strawberries has permeated the entire house. Even though I refuse to allow myself to have her, her scent does some good a keeping my wolf at bay.
Wolves howling in the distance is music to my ears. Falling into a deep sleep, my last thought is that I hope Clover is doing the same.

What the fuck is that? Another howl in the distance is answered by a higher pitched yip. I know the sounds of nature are common and should be expected given my current location; but I can’t shake the sinking terror that’d deep in my stomach. All I keep seeing are those 4 huge wolves that chased us down.
5 feet from the couch is a wall of windows that are open to let in the cool breeze. Every time my eyes drift closed I dream of them bursting through the window and jerk myself back awake. I don’t know how much time had past when I awoke for what seemed the 100th time but I had to move. Half asleep, my muscles ache and I’m shaking. Gathering my blanket and pillow I don’t know where to go. Passing levis desk I pull out the chair and crawl inside. My nerves only relaxed marginally when I pulled the chair back in blocking anythings path from getting to me easily.
I guess I was right not to trust Levi, he knows how much those wolves scared me yesterday. Pulling my knees up to my chest I try to take up as little space as possible, finally falling asleep.

Rolling over onto my back I’m hit with the smell of rotting fruit. CLOVER! Jumping out of my bed I run to the couch but she’s not there. SNiffing the air I see a corner of the blanket sticking out from under my desk.
“Shit.” Bending low I move the chair and CLover immediately starts to scream.
“Oh my God! No! Don’t hurt me, Don’t eat me!” Grabbing a hold of her wrists I stop her flailing.
“Clover it’s me Levi. Are you ok? What are you doing under the desk?” She’s shaking.
“I heard the wolves howling. I was so scared because of what happened earlier. I kept jolting myself awake. Is it morning yet?” She doesn’t look like she’s had any sleep. I feel like a complete ass, I was sleeping soundly while my mate cowered in fear all night long.
“Come here Clover, let’s go get you some sleep.” I hold out my hand for her to take but when she does and comes out into the morning light a hollow feeling fills my gut. I have failed to do my job as pack enforcer and as her mate. Clover has dark circles beneath her eyes and she’s pale. Helping her to her feet I immediately pick her up.
“No, let me walk.” I ignore her protest and she quickly settles in against my chest. Without giving it a second thought I take her to my bed and lay her gently in the center.
“I’m going to close the blinds, I’m not leaving the room.” Slapping the blinds closed I climb into the bed beside her. Gia have mercy she is freezing and her entire body is shaking.
“Clover, why didn’t you come get me? I’m so sorry.” Her eyes are closed and I don’t think she’s going to answer.
“Left me… You’re Bipolar… Smell so good… Like…” She inhales the air around my neck,
“Safety.” With that she fell fast asleep, even her muscles stopped twitching. Holding her close against me I slowly start to relax with each contented sigh Clover gives me. Damned stubborn woman. She probably isn’t going to remember any of this! No, the only thing she is going to remember is that I left her all night long. The urge to kiss her head is so strong that I can’t fight it and honestly don’t want too.
I touch my lips to her skin; a trading of power mixes between us. Clover moans softly and clings to me wrapping her leg over my hip and pulling me in.
I take deep breathes because I know this can’t go any further. She’s completely asleep and unaware of what she’s doing. Clovers hand moves up and down over my skin desperately seeking for something. Holding her hand gently in mine Clover calms down again sinking into a deep sleep. It’s an hour before I manage to untangle myself. Before I leave the room I inhale deeply, my wolf settles at the sweet smell of CLover. Strawberries and Earth. Clovers scent is much stronger than before, she’s definitely in heat. I need to talk to someone but who?
My father is definitely on the outs, all he will do is smile like he won the lottery and I just can’t have that. Staying within ear shot of Clover I start packing my bag for the long trip. The point of going up the mountain isn’t to test a person's endurance. Technically, it only takes a week to get from my home to it’s peak. It’s the journey to find yourself in nature, to learn who and what you are. Are you the wise owl ever watchful? Are you the wolf guardian of your family and home? Are you the fox, a thrifty little scavenger? Even a bear, deer or moose?
The thought of Clover finding herself as a moose or a giant bear brings a smile to my lips. She would be livid! A soft knock at the door grabs my attention. I smell Yanto, Anderson, Tobin and Smith before I reach the door. Just as I’m about to open it the door bursts open and my fellow enforcers run at me ready for a fight.
“We smelled Clovers distress, is she alright? What happened?” Smith closes the door.
“She’s alright now, I got her to sleep. I didn’t know she was up all night cowering under my desk. Don’t look at me like that, my wolf is eating me alive already. The pack must have been out last night because the sounds of their howling scared her. Yesterday we went into town to get her things and we were damn near attacked by 4 wolves. If I hadn’t have been with her…” I run my hand through my hair and swallow hard.
“I’ve never smelled their scent before. They’ve been following her from hotel to hotel breaking in and taking her things. The sick bastards even stole her underwear. Have any of you heard anything lately? Smelled something that shouldn’t be?” They all shake their heads and Yanto growls.
“We haven’t, we patrol our borders twice a week as usual.” Smith starts to pace clenching his hands into fists.
“The patrols have to be doubled, even every day or twice a day. No one threatens our own, especially a mate.” He always was the most volatile. Before I can speak Anderson does.
“Even with all the safety precautions we’re going to put into place do you think it’s wise choice to take her up to the sacred space alone? Yes that place is within our borders but you’ll be completely alone and she won’t be able to defend herself against a Lougarou; especially if there are 4 of them, what if there is more? You’ll be out numbered.” Anderson always was the logical one.