

"It's a girl! "
The doctor gushed, placing the wailing infant on the woman's chest.
She heaved trying to catch her breath in the aftermath of her gruelling labour. Tears of pain mingled briefly with tears of joy before dissolving into tears of sadness. And tears of sadness turning into tears of worry and stress.
Sarah had once again given birth to a girl! Her third daughter. With the birth of her third daughter she had given birth to third dead body. Like her other two daughters, she was afraid that her in-laws won't let this girl live. Holding her breath, she finally took her daughter Alizeh home and begged Asad, her stone-hearted husband to let Alizeh live. After alot of request he agreed to let her daughter stay.
Every night when everyone slept, he used to drop Alizeh on the street but no one picked her up and before anyone woke, he used to carry her back home. It continued for a few days and after losing every hope, he decided to let her stay with them.
In a few years, Allah blessed them with 6 sons. On the birth of every son, Asad used to organize a grand party to celebrate the birth of his sons. People from far away were invited except for his own daughter. Alizeh used to stare from the window but was unable to do anything. With years passing, they engaged their daughter and they lived very happily. In that time all his six sons grew older, got married and left the home with their families.
While waiting for his sons to return back home, he lost his wife. After hearing this shocking news of her mother's death, Alizeh decided to return back home to take good care of her father. Her father still kept waiting for his sons but they didn't respond. during this time her daughter's in-laws supported her alot.
While taking the last breaths of his life, Asad realised how cruel he did with his daughter and that her daughter was the only person who, in every situation stood with them like a strong wall and never decided to leave them although they had treated her like an unknown person. And his sons, whom he called his pride and his support, left him to suffer just like the way he used to leave his daughter every night on the busy streets without being afraid of Allah. He prayed and apologized to her daughter for his cruel behaviour and Alizeh, with a big heart forgave him. He cried and yelled and prayed for Allah's forgiveness until He got the forgiveness of Allah and his soul came out peacefully from within his body. Alizeh cried for her lose of both her parents but an happy ending was waiting for her and so, she returned back at her husband's home after the death of her father and lived with them happily and peacefully.
Allah soon gave them the blessing of a daughter and a son who turned out to be very well mannered and became their support in their old age and so they lived happily with their family.

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