

First Lessons
His mother left him on the neighbors porch. Hopefully he could fend for himself now that he is weaned off of her tit. She knew someone would eventually find him and feed him. Life is rough for the young kit facing his first winter.
A stray without a home whose empty stomach causes him to roam. The morning chill led to an afternoon flurry. He is fascinated to catch the first snowflake on his tounge. He played in the falling snow before he realized how cold it was. Now that it's freezing the young stay could hear his stomach.
The area all around is covered in white throughout the day and even the night. The young stray finds his way to a garbage can. Shivering and shaking, he peers down and saw a mouse. The stray cat is unnoticed while in stealth.
From a distance the cat gazed at the warm breath seeping out the mouse. He wanted to lick his lips but it was too cold. There wouldn't be anything more satisfying than a quick meal on this late evening. As he anticipated the movement of the mouse he became distracted. Another feline had dibs on the young one's find and was making too much noise moving in.
The brave young cat lunged at outsider which scared him. The other cat runs off. Our Hero gloats in the moment of his first win. Now that he has the trash can to himself the mouse is nowhere to be found.

© Elleon 2020