

An instance of a love story ! ♥️
A dance was an art form, whether in front of an audience full of gentlemen and ladies or in front of lascivious losers in a bar. She swirled around the pole as graceful and elegant as a respectable ballet dancer lost in the beauty of her own motions. Her eyes behind the mask that had been closed, opened as her set ended and locked directly with the steely, grey eyes of the man in the front row. Her heart skipped a beat. He knew who she was!...Both were mesmerized watching each other over and over again , as the love birds sitting on the branch of the tree. She slightly smiled at him, so as he did. While dancing , she was lost in her own world . Henceforth he lost in her , as the dance came to an end , everybody admired the dancer and applauded her even he did and appreciated the performance and the audience whistled too ! She felt extremely happy. It was a "WOW" moment for her ! At the end , he went on to the stage and appreciated the girl and proposed her infront of the audience , "Will you be mine forever, wanting to be your's too ! " The moment this scenario happened it took the breath of the girl away , she was speechless, both were looking in each other eyes and couldn't utter a single word though ! At last , she accepted the proposal and said "YES" to him ! The guy took her in his arms and kissed her forehead and hug her , both were on the paradise of love , seemed immensely over whelmed with joy , love, happiness ! The guy offered her the ring and proposed in a romantic way ! She couldn't even say "no" to her . She happily accepted his ring proposal and moved her hand forward to wear the ring . The guy approached her and inserted the ring in her hand . "What a perfect moment , wohooo"! the audience whistled and shouted though celebrated the happy ending ! At last, both had a deep kiss of accepting the true love ! God bless them ! ❤️

The perfect ending of the perfect love story !( Though just an instance of a romantic scenario, but I loved writing down my thoughts to make it a good one indeed )❣️

© storybynancy