

Love is the most amazing feeling of our life, which makes our world colorful. But it's not the thrut.Love can be looked cool for sometimes but not for the every time.
I am a normal girl like you all, who have a job, family and some wishes. but the things were abnormal to my life. That evening of my life was the worst evening I had ever in my life, at the 6 o' clock of that evening, when I was waiting at the bus stop for bus for home, a strange guy stand beside me. He was good looking. But I didn't focus on him very much. Then the bus came and I entered inside it, and soon the bus leave. I was sitting at the window seat when a guy came running, entered in bus and sat beside me. After few minutes he started talking about himself to me. It was a quiet strange, when I looked on him I was shocked, he was the same guy whom I had met on bus stop. But I ignored and started seeing out side the window. He was continously speaking..
Soon my stand came and I get out of bus and went to home.
Next day same happened with me again, the guy came to stand went inside bus, sat on my seat and started talking. Now it was happening every day.
One evening when I was going home he followed me, I stopped and went to him. I said " what's going on, why are you following me ?" I am noticing from last few days. What you want?
"I want to do friendship with you, will you be my friend? " said he.
But I said no to him and went to home quickly.
But now he was following me every place wherever I went. I neither told this to my ffamily nor my friends. I was very tensed, how' ll I get out of this problem. Day to day it was becoming very challenging. He was doing everything that makes me say yes to our friendship.
Now I was tired from escaping from him, and I decided to became his friend. Next day I called him
to a constitution place and accepted his friendship.
It was the worst day when I met him.

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