


My journey to the unknown land was filled with uncertainty. I couldn't discern whether it was a land flowing with milk and honey or one riddled with thorns and thistle. Despite this ambiguity, one thing became clear: the apple I stumbled upon during my wandering was perfect for me. As I hurried to pick it up, I noticed a beautiful woman deep in thought, holding a basket of apples. I wondered if the apple had fallen from her basket. As she heard me muttering, she turned towards me. Perplexed, I asked, "Is this your apple?" She smiled warmly and said, "You can have it. There's more if you don't mind." Eagerly, I replied, "Sure, I want more." To my surprise, she gave me more than I had asked for. I thanked her and drifted back into my thoughts.
This scenario repeated itself for three consecutive years, leading me to believe that following her to her own world would be beneficial. I reasoned that a heart as kind as hers must come from a better place. However, despite my attempts to explore different worlds, I saw no differences. I grew increasingly confused, finding all lands alike, each insatiably consuming whatever was offered.
Lost in thought, I sat beneath a cherry tree when I heard a soothing voice: "My child, are you alright?" I turned to see a motherly figure, her kindness palpable. She asked again, "Are you hungry, child? Look at what I have brought you." Speechless, I accepted her offering, watching as she walked away. I wondered about her identity and our possible connection, but quickly dismissed the thought and moved on.

One fateful afternoon, exhausted from my solitary wandering, I rested under a tree. As I closed my eyes, lost in my thoughts, I felt shadows envelop me. Her gentle voice, warmer than ever, whispered, "My child, there is a home for you. Why not come to my world?" I opened my eyes, but no one was there. The feeling of her presence lingered, and her voice echoed in my mind. Who was she? Was she the same woman who had given me the apple? A ghost or a spirit, perhaps? I screamed, "Mystery! Mystery!" In a world where only babies sought lands of milk and honey, why did a grown woman appear?
As I awakened from my reverie, I realized I had been adrift in my own thoughts. Resuming my journey, I stumbled upon children who resembled little saints, their smiles radiant and pure.'But wait,' I said to myself, 'why me? Is it my curiosity or the sacrifice?' Quickly dismissing the thought, I decided to seek clarification from my Father. Approaching His throne, I saw a basket of apples and a woman kneeling in His presence. I hastened my footsteps to see what was going on. Could it be the woman who gave me the apple? How did she get here? It didn’t seem possible.I rushed to my Father but only saw Him and the basket of apples. 'Where is she?' I asked anxiously.'Who, my dear?' He replied calmly.'The woman,' I exclaimed.'Oh, she is not here. Only her offering and request can reach here because I have accepted them.'Eager to understand more, I ran off, sprinting down the street made of gold. Amidst the beauty, I heard a sweet melody, reminiscent of the songs we sing in the presence of my Father day and night. Following the sound, I felt like I was hearing my own voice. The melody led me to an elegant figure, a woman kneeling along the golden street. I approached her, but upon reaching the spot, she had vanished.Was it my imagination or a mystery? I continued searching, and before I knew it, I found myself out of my world once again."
To be continued......

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