

when love dies (Chapter 21)
(This is another chapter in Titans perspective, following chapter 20, and 19.)

I hold Thorns hand as we walk into the room of bubbles. The joy it brought me to be holding her hand, was like a dream. She had a smile on her face, and her cheeks were pink as always. From the distance you could see Shi(The wolf) sprint towards us. Thorns jumps and runs behind me as I crouch, arms open wide waiting for him to pounce. But soon I realize he isn't running towards me. He's running towards Thorn. As he runs past me, I grab his collar, struggling to keep a hold of him. Thorn jumps back and stumbles to the ground. "Woah, Shi call down."
"Is he gonna bite me?"
"I would never let that happen dear." I slowly pull Shi in his cage. he doesn't bark or growl, he just pulls. As soon as I can, I close and lock the cage. Shi sits at the lock crying. "He wants to eat me, doesn't he?"
"Ha ha ha, He wants to see you, I just don't trust him with new people."
"I can understand why." Katsu walks into the room. (He is my brother.) "She's back!?!"
"That's a quite rude way to say hello to our guest." I see Thorn looking at the ground, as if she was nervous. Thorn looks at me and I pull her into my arms. We sat there for a minute, when I give Katsu the stair. He walks away. "Can you let me go now, Titan?"
"Oh yes, sorry." Jealousy is a very bad thing that makes people do bad things. Is that why I'm this way?

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